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  1. #81
    I also verified against a new npc, and dragging the assault rifle to the inventory, and dragging the smartgun link to the assault rifle weapon mods appears to show up as expected. So it might've been a fluke when copying it over. If you open the smartgun link from the items list, and verify there's an effect there under the weapon bonus input, there should be something there. If there's not, I'd recommend unloading the module and reloading it.

  2. #82
    I added only weapons and attachments from the core rules to a custom npc. I tried reloading all core rules and did it again on different npcs. The ATK bonus is now shown in the new applied smartgunlink but it isn't used when i attack with the weapon. Other effects, like the excellent bonus, do work.Test2.jpg
    Last edited by Meckerdrache81; May 19th, 2024 at 11:04.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Meckerdrache81 View Post
    I added only weapons and attachments from the core rules to a custom npc. I tried reloading all core rules and did it again on different npcs. The ATK bonus is now shown in the new applied smartgunlink but it isn't used when i attack with the weapon. Other effects, like the excellent bonus, do work.Test2.jpg
    Thanks for reporting. I'm looking into this and another bug that was reported now. I am also noticing a couple other issues with NPCs that I think just started after a recent CoreRPG update, so it might be a bit. I'll keep you posted when we find out what's going on.

  4. #84

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Meckerdrache81 View Post
    Great, thank you
    No problem! Thanks for reporting the issue. I found the fix for it and submitted a hotfix which should go live later today or tomorrow.

  6. #86
    Now i can hit my PCs with higher precision again You guys are great.

    Btw: Is it intented that the installed Demon of an architecture can be seen by the players?
    Last edited by Meckerdrache81; May 26th, 2024 at 12:39.

  7. #87
    Skellan's Avatar
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    Staffordshire, UK
    I think the refresh skills button might be broken. It doesn't seem to do anything when I click it - it could be that I am not using it right though...
    Ultimate License Holder - My games are free to play
    Timezone: GMT

  8. #88
    That feature is kinda' a safety fallback if a skill is having problems, because as devs, we are not perfect, or if a user can't remember what the base stat for a skill is after changing it. A quick test you can do to use it would be to add a number to a skill, or change the associated stat, then right click the skill and click refresh.

    Behind the scenes it's deleting the skill, and re-adding it to the sheet. It happens very quickly, so it seemingly does nothing.

    Skills are fortunately pretty stable now, so it likely doesn't get used much.
    Last edited by Nightstride; June 14th, 2024 at 06:13.

  9. #89
    Skellan's Avatar
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    Staffordshire, UK
    It sounds like a great feature as I have got sausages for fingers and will probably change the stats by accident.
    It doesn't seem to work for me though. If I change a stat and then click the refresh skills button at the top nothing seems to happen. If I right click on the skill and use the radial menu, it does work however...
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Ultimate License Holder - My games are free to play
    Timezone: GMT

  10. #90
    I'll admit, I completely forgot we had the button there. I had to look at the code again.

    Similar to the refresh button in the right click menu, it's a fallback if something is messed up with skills, like if some skills are accidentally deleted. We did all we could to make core skills undeletable, but there could be ways we haven't thought of. A quick test you can do is to delete the subskills under the martial arts and click the refresh button. In addition, the button triggers a re-check of all skills against effects applied on those skills by external sources, like by cyberware or gear. Like if we missed a refresh event somewhere.

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