5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP: 4 Players Tues/Wed 11am-3pm (Los Angeles time) Tomb of Horrors

    Seeking a group of 3-4 (possibly 5?) players to take on Gary Gygax's classic Tomb of Horrors (5E) to be run over a few 3-4 hour sessions from 11am-3pm on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

    Enthralled by Tomb of Horrors and want to try running a party through it for my first time. Players of any experience level are welcome (although might be advantageous to have played for at least 1-2 yrs), I just ask for only those who have never attempted this dungeon before. Want it to be an authentic experience and players to be fully surprised at what this dungeon holds.

    As for me, my DM vibe is not super hardcore and speaking in character at all times but more having fun playing with friends, enjoying a beer or two, and laughing at the party's antics. Have been an in and out player since 2nd edition (...back when THAC0 was a thing) but returned for 5th edition and started fully DM-ing 3 yrs ago. By no means am I an expert on all the rules but I am fairly knowledgeable and know how to tell a good story whilst keeping the adventure flowing.

    FG License: GM has FG Ultimate license, players can use any version - including Free

    VTT Version: Fantasy Grounds Unity

    Number of Players Sought: 4 (possibly 5)

    Time Zone: PDT (Los Angeles area)... but players able to attend from any time zone welcome

    Day of week and time: Tuesday / Wednesday 11:00am-3:00pm (Los Angeles time)

    Planned Game Start and Frequency: 7th or 8th of May, meeting once per week. If need be an extra character creation session can be run.

    Term: Until completion, estimated 3-4 sessions over 1 month, +/- optional character creation session

    Communications: Microphone and headset/speakers as we would use Discord.

    Will This Game Be Streamed? Not at this point in time.

    Will Audio Be Recorded? Not at this point in time.

    Combat/Exploration/Roleplay Mix: 30/60/10 percent......if you're not happy with this, don't get mad at me, Gygax wrote it.

    Character Starting Level: 12th level, bring your own or I have several pre-generated to choose from

    DM Note: Players of any experience welcome (but perhaps better for those more familiar with the game). Those with good sense of humor especially welcome.

  2. #2
    I would be interested in playing, absolutely. I have played/DMed since 2e AD&D as well, though I am new to Fantasy Grounds itself, so I might need more aid with using the program than with D&D. What are the character creation guidelines? I know the DMG offers some different options for starting high level characters, but the equipment differs for low magic vs high magic games, so a lot of that is left up to the DM in terms of equipment for higher level characters. I assume standard point buy, official classes/races, etc., but we might need to know if we are starting with low magic, standard, or high magic gear. The DMG has (and excuse the formatting for this copy/paste):
    Low Magic: 5,000 gp plus 1 d l 0 x 250 gp,
    one u ncommon magic item,
    normal starti ng equ ipment
    Standard: 5,000 gp plus 1 d 1 0 x 250 gp,
    two u ncommon magic items,
    normal starting eq u i pment
    High Magic: 5,000 gp plus l d 1 0 x 250 gp,
    three u ncommon magic items,
    one rare item, normal starting
    equi pment

    If other players have already signed up I can put something together to fill needed gaps, otherwise I might do a ranged Fighter if no slots are filled yet, and a versatile skill-oriented character can also be fun for the right game.

  3. #3
    Hey Xeno, I'd be interested in playing with your group if you still have room.

    A little about me: 54 yr. old player started playing the Basic (blue box) edition in '79. Played avidly since then. Got hit with the perma DM enchantment many years ago. Have played with all ages. I enjoy a variety of play styles. I normally play support characters, Clerics in particular, however, I can play just about anything. I like the idea of speaking in character at all times, reduces meta.

    I've heard a lot about the Tomb of Horrors but have not read or played through.

    I know FG a little bit as a DM, as a player on FG I've not experienced it yet. I would love to have a regular group to get together with and adventure.

    Let me know. I already have a cleric ready on DnD Beyond app that I can advance and transfer to FG.

  4. #4
    If anyone has made it this far we've got 3 of 4 (or 5) players for tomorrow (8th May) at 11 am Los Angeles time. There is still space if interested.

  5. #5
    Check your PMs DMeurer and ant6d9.

  6. #6
    Just saw this, but if you haven't filled I'd love to play. I've been playing close to forty years at this point, so experience isn't an issue.

  7. #7
    We've got room for one more Phithis. Will PM you the details.

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