5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #11
    this game is full for now

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    San Francisco Bay Area


    Quote Originally Posted by The Black Dugal View Post
    Curse of Strahd 5e! This is my third time running and it gets better every time. Come join me for a true gothic horror experience. Not like your typical Forgotten Realms game. We have 3 players locked in and will accept up to 3 more. DM me if interested and sign up on game calendar, join discord server...1st session is scheduled for 12/10!
    DM FG License: Fantasy Grounds Unity Standard required
    Game System: D&D 5e
    Day: Sunday
    Time of Day: 4 PM
    Time Zone: ET
    Duration and Frequency: Bi-Weekly
    Voice/Text: Voice required (Discord)
    Number of Players in game & needed: 3-6
    Character starting level: 5.
    Permitted Source Books: PHB, VRGtR
    Permitted/Restricted Player Options: VRGtR character creation rules
    Setting/Adventure Info: Gothic Earth, Ravenloft

    Join Discord server using this link and sign-up on game calendar using the link below:
    Link to game calendar: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calen...ex.xcp?id=6667
    One of your players messaged me this morning indicating your barbarian left last week and there is a vacancy. The date/time works for me. I’m not familiar with VRGtR. Would I need to download/ buy it?


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