1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    San Francisco Bay Area

    LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight/Weekend (preferred) Game PST prefer 5E

    Time zone: PST

    Number of Players: 1

    Time of Day Available: Weeknights 6-8pm, Sat/Sun (afternoon)

    Fantasy Grounds License: Ultimate

    Term of game play: Long term keep playing for a while, or just want to work through a module.

    Voice/Visual: Discord chat, Syrinscape for game sounds

    Game System Preferred: D&D 5E

    Game System Experience: D&D 5E

    Fantasy Grounds Experience: Played 2 homebrew campaigns with FGU.

    Character Type Preferred: I’ve played old school characters (fighter/ranger) and none of the “new generation” types. My preference is melee type characters, but I am willing to play any type.

    About Yourself: I started playing DnD back in 1979 with the Basic and Advanced boxed sets. I was in Germany at that time and plenty of my friends were into DnD. After moving back to the States, I couldn’t find a group to play with due to my family constantly moving. A few years ago, a friend suggested looking online for DnD virtual tabletop platforms and I found FGU and got hooked on it. I’ve been toying around with my own homebrew, but it’s far from completion. I’m experienced enough to get around in FGU but may need a little assistance here and there. I’m ok with roleplaying and enjoy combat and problem solving.

  2. #2

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