Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #11
    Is there any way to code the Abjurer's Arcane Ward to prevent automatic concentration checks? What about ignoring any resistances the Abjurer may have?

    From Sage Advice Compendium
    An Arcane Ward is not an extension of the wizard who creates it. It is a magical effect with its own hit points. Any temporary hit points, immunities, or resistances that the wizard has don’t apply to the ward.
    The ward takes damage first. Any leftover damage is taken by the wizard

  2. #12
    There is no effect that will do what this spell does. The best workaround I've heard is to just add temporary hit points for the ward's hit points, and adjust as needed.


  3. #13
    Here is the original version of the file (the most recent I have).
    Attached Files Attached Files

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