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  1. #11

  2. #12
    @Glorwin We have an opening now, if you're interested. This weekend, we're probably doing a one-shot (holidays), if you'd like to join.

  3. #13
    @Glorwin, I re-sent the Discord server invite. The first attempt showed "invalid invite" or something of that nature. Not a fan of Discord.

  4. #14
    LogicalSky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    If thine land was a woman, she'd be hot and awnry... and as dumb as a box.
    If there's an opening, I'm very interested. Discord is Logic0350 (It'll say DorkUp on my avatar.) If that doesn't work, PM me here. Thanks.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by LogicalSky View Post
    If there's an opening, I'm very interested. Discord is Logic0350 (It'll say DorkUp on my avatar.) If that doesn't work, PM me here. Thanks.
    I sent a server invite. Logic0350 didn't work, so I sent it to DorkUp. I hope it reaches you!

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