Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozreth View Post
    Hey Rick,

    I'm curious how this game went as I am also considering dropping Lankhmar into my game. Did you find that PF 1e worked well? As someone who played through all of the AD&D years, what about 3.x attracts you compared to those editions, especially for a setting like Lankhmar? My group is considering doing some 2e AD&D for Lankhmar, but we are most used to 3.5 (never witched to Pathfinder with no plans to).

    Hey Ozreth!

    The game keeps on rolling along. We started with 5 players, and just as one dropped a friend of a player expressed some interested and she fit in spectacularly! We are using a Pathfinder 1E/3.5 D&D mash-up of sorts. I'm playing the magic system a little loosely to simulate the strange nature of magic in Nehwon and it's relative scarcity. The one adjustment that I think the players have had is my interpretation of the economy with iron being copper, bronze being silver, silver being gold, gold being platinum and without the proper connections buying magic items is a little dodgy. Beyond that, the adventures have gone great.

    Originally I had stripped the AD&D Lankhmar adventure "One Night in Lankhmar" from Swords of Deceit (10th level), as the introductory L1 adventure. I had it cooked up as a one shot for folks in another game I played in for Halloween, but circumstances prohibited the running of it. Instead it became the springboard for the campaign. From there I ran Plundering Popoff (AD&D Dungeon mag #72), Stage Fright (AD&D Dungeon mag #77) and the Mad God's Key ( 3.X D&D Dungeon mag #114). I've been liberally sprinkling in audio snippets from Leiber, Lovecraft and Clark Ashton-Smith to build my millieu. We ran the dungeon of Jzadirune from the beginning of the Shackled City AP (3.X D&D "Life's Bazaar dungeon mag #97) and are now inching towards my Speaker in Dreams (3.X D&D)/House on Hook Street (Pathfinder 1E) mash up.

    Mechanically I'm the most comfortable with 3.x D&D and Pathfinder 1e, the players dig the options, we can do anything we want with the system as it's so versatile, and despite my adventure sources being so varied and from completely different levels, it's fairly easy to come up with a conversion for it. It does take some time, as pathfinder's conversions and NPCs take some time with fantasy grounds, but I've enjoyed every minute of it.

    As a journal I record the episodes and post them, not to be famous or anything, just to have something to check back on.

    The playlist is here:

    Feel free to drop me a line any time or plunder any ideas as you see fit.

    Last edited by kneebone; May 11th, 2024 at 18:41. Reason: corrections

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Grey Mage View Post
    I would also be interested in this game... Lankhmar is definitely one of the original urban fantasy settings.
    Hey Grey Mage!

    This campaign is over a year old and we have 5 established players. We decided on every second Monday night (next game on the 20th) to play. One of the players in the game had an interested friend, and we are in discussions. Six would be my max for this game, so if the player's friend decides that it's not for them, I will shoot you a direct message and we can discuss details. Up above I've posted vids of our games, so you can take a peek and see if it's something that speaks to you or not, and then we can go from there. Like I say, I'm not currently recruiting, but if a great fit happens along, I won't say no. I've had too many good experiences with new players into games to make any snap refusals.

    Thanks for your interest!

  3. #13

    Many thanks for the DETAILED update! I will definitely be checking out the game.


  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Grey Mage View Post

    Many thanks for the DETAILED update! I will definitely be checking out the game.

    Awesome. I will definitely keep you in mind. If you check things out and it seems like a good fit, lemme know and we can go from there. Thanks again Grey Mage!

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