Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    LFG: 1-2 (experienced) Players (brand new to FGU Ult) LF a one-shot or short campaign

    I am experienced with Role Playing games but brand new to FGU. I purchased the Ultimate License during the 20yr Anniversary Sale so that I can use FGU to GM a family game across state lines. (I have also already purchased a few premade adventures, but then struggled with them a little.) I am hoping someone that knows FGU will allow me to join them for a session (or two) to learn how this works from the player perspective.

    • I have FGU - Ultimate
    • I am US Central Time, but HIGHLY used to working with other American time zones & slightly used to dealing with time zones in other countries.
    • I am self-employed and can be pretty flexible about my schedule. No Sundays though. And I do need to ask for a week or two heads up (if possible) on when the game will be.
    • Seeking a 1-shot or a very short (2-3 sessions) campaign. I can also play a bit-role in a longer campaign if you have a character that you need someone to RP for you.
    • Willing and able to use whatever voice / video software you want me to use.

    • Prefer 5E or SotDL.
    • I am most familiar with D&D 5E and AD&D 2E. I am recently familiar with & slightly in love with SotDL. I can play any other system you want (Pathfinder, etc.) as long as character creation is short & easy and/or pre-made characters exist to choose from.
    • FGU Experience: NEEDZ HALP! Lol. I was able to open a premade adventure and throw some characters on a map and get the attacks to work; and I am typically pretty tech savvy and fast learning. But I may need some help initially because I'm brand new to FGU.

    • In D&D, I usually prefer spell-casters & support roles. In any other system, it would probably be best for me to play a simple fighter or something -- just because I may not know all the spells and support abilities right away.
    • I love other people and tend to get along well with others VERY easily. You have to really try to upset me or drive me off. I do need to see some combat in this before I can GM that for my fam, but I love role-playing as well. I personally tend to stay more in-character, but I'm fine with other folks jumping OOC for a quick laugh.

    This post is based on the template.
    That template mentions Pathfinder Society and D&D Adventurer's League.
    I'll look into the latter soon, but I'm going to go ahead and post this since it is now completely written by this point. I'll also be checking for replies pretty often.

    Thanks in advance,
    Tony "Cptn YARR" Yarbrough

    [Update: just 1 player; just me. My friend (whom I previously mentioned in a now-deleted paragraph) read my post and immediately texted me that he'd probably not be able to commit to joining a game right now.]
    Last edited by CptnYARR; May 10th, 2024 at 04:54.

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