1. #1

    LFP Need 2 players Sunday Morning 9AM Central USA 5e Spelljammer Light of Xaryxis

    Title: Spelljammer, Light of Xaryxis

    FG License: Ultimate, players can have free
    Game System: D&D 5E

    Time Zone: Central Time USA
    Day of week and time: Sunday at 9 am
    If new game, planned start date: Sunday, May 5th, 2024 (will be a chill 1st session)
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 2 1/2 Hour session, Weekly
    Term: Until the end of the Pre-made Adventure

    Text or Voice: Voice
    Main Language used: English only
    Voice software used: my Discord channel
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Recorded for personal recall (busy life help)

    Roleplay & Combat mix: Try to have a balanced 50/50 experience
    Number of Players in game & needed: Have 1 player, need 3 more (will be playing with less if not enough sign up)
    Character starting level & equipment: 5th level, standard starting equipment, plus 625gp, and one uncommon magic item (with DM approval)
    Character restrictions: If you want a character that I don't have a book in fantasygrounds for, you can purchase it for the game. No EVIL characters (but life is gray, so alignments aren't that strict)

    Details of your scenario: Official D&D adventure "Light of Xaryxis: An adventure for Dungeon Masters set in the Astral Plane. When a cosmic enemy threatens to destroy their world, brave heroes must do everything in their power to save it. This quest will take them across the teeming oceans of Wildspace to the silvery void of the Astral Sea and beyond. Along the way, they’ll make friends, encounter terrifying foes, and face one cliffhanger after another. Can they save their world before time runs out?"
    Need people who can show up almost every session. No judging each other, just roleplaying as mature adults in fantastical and sometimes silly situations
    Last edited by krushido; June 17th, 2024 at 14:19. Reason: Campaign Filled
    Wargaming since 1976,
    DMing since 1982 (Greyhawk Rules!),
    Computer Gaming (Wizardry and on),
    and it all seems to be just starting...

  2. #2
    Can't wait to have some fun!

  3. #3
    I'm glad that this game I've been playing since 1982 is still growing, and seems more popular than ever. I've read a lot of Spelljammer, but this will be my first time running it, looking forward to the fun.
    Wargaming since 1976,
    DMing since 1982 (Greyhawk Rules!),
    Computer Gaming (Wizardry and on),
    and it all seems to be just starting...

  4. #4
    I would be down to join if there is still space. I'm always free on Sundays

  5. #5

    Game Sunday

    Quote Originally Posted by Wytchblades View Post
    Can't wait to have some fun!
    Thanks for the invite Darvin. Would love to join. Can play just about anything.

  6. #6
    I suggest you look up the free supplement "Wildjammer" you can get it from the Spelljammer subreddit. You get rules for space combat (classes, damage, ships) that Spelljammer 5E does not provide.

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