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  1. #11

    Unearthed Spoils #009 - Dimensional Delves

    Unearthed Spoils #009 - Dimensional Delves (5e)

    The multiverse is made up of many dimensions, and the Astral Plane is the path to most.

    Unearthed Spoils #009 - Dimensional Delves contains the following content:

    • OATH OF THE ELEMENTAL PLANES - Elite champions of primordial beings, these paladins hold faith in planar elements.

    • WAY OF PLANAR ENERGY - These monks finesse a balance between the Planes of Positive and Negative Energy.

    • BACKGROUND: PLANAR BORN - Your natural talents are out of this world.

    • DIMENSIONAL DWOEMERS - Add some magic from the multiverse to your repertoire.

    • OTHERWORLDLY OBJECTS - These enchanted items were forged with inter-dimensional magic.

    • DIMENSIONAL DENIZENS - Planar beings add inter-dimensional spice to your world.

    • 7th-LEVEL ADVENTURE - A ringworld’s reason for being is threatened by a growing gap in its magic. The Tablets of Tu’faeyel must be recovered soon, or they will close many of the world’s gates.

    Click here to pick it up on the FG Forge today!
    Last edited by Grimlore; November 3rd, 2023 at 21:33.
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  2. #12

    Unearthed Spoils #010 - Dragons!

    Unearthed Spoils #010 - Dragons! (5e)

    Dragons rule. Where they don’t rule, they terrorize. These beasts of lore rarely lurk behind the scenes when they can fly directly into the fray. They are the stuff of legends.

    Unearthed Spoils #010 – Dragons! contains the following content:

    • DRAGONBLOOD RACE – Your draconic heritage blends seamlessly with the fey ancestry of your forebears.

    • OATH OF THE GOLD DRAGON – Your oath upholds the virtues of these lawful good wardens of civilization and arcane knowledge.

    • BACKGROUND: DRAGON HUNTER – A dragon is a dragon is a dragon, and you know how to deal with a dragon.

    • SCALY SPELLS – Before humans, elves and dwarves, dragons of the realm were manipulating magic.

    • DRACONIC MAGIC ITEMS – Scale up your inventory with these dragon-themed magic items.

    • DRACONOMICON – A plethora of dragons and such to add to your dramatis personae.

    • 8th-LEVEL ADVENTURE – A village suffering under the oppression of a chromatic annatto dragon makes a desperate cry for help as it annual human levy approaches.

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  3. #13

    Unearthed Spoils #011 - Portals Through Time

    Unearthed Spoils #011 - Portals Through Time (5e)

    There is a time and place for everything, and portals to take you where you want to go!

    Unearthed Spoils #011 - Portals Through Time contains the following content:

    • LORE DOMAIN - For a cleric, can there be a higher calling than a seeker of truth through knowledge?

    • SCHOOL OF CHRONOMANCY - Take the wizard’s forbidden path and learn a school of magic long restricted and reviled by many.

    • BACKGROUND: PORTAL ADEPT - This background may give a character access to forbidden places with ease.

    • SPELLS FOR A MATTER OF TIME - A full slate of nineteen chronomancy spells for a mage of time and space.

    • ITEMS FOR A TIME AND PLACE - Eight new items to manipulate the temporal plane, including a powerful artifact.

    • CREATURES IN YOUR DREAMS - Seven allies and adversaries to meet in this timely adventure and to add to your own games.

    • 5th-LEVEL ADVENTURE - A heritage has been stolen and the entire community is under siege from the crimelord who caused it. Are you willing to travel back in time and unravel the damage this monster has done.

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  4. #14

    Unearthed Spoils #012 - Worlds Apart

    Unearthed Spoils #012 - Worlds Apart (5e)

    Another world is only a helm and a spell away! Explore the Astral Plane to uncover countless undiscovered creatures and adventures!

    Unearthed Spoils #012 – Worlds Apart contains the following content:

    • COSMOS DOMAIN - Fascinated by the night sky as a child, these clerics make stargazing a serious business.
    • CELESTIAL WARDEN - Self-appointed wardens of wildspace, these sorcerers have druid-like powers.
    • BACKGROUND: STARFARER - Here’s a background for a real world traveler.
    • SPELLS FOR THE COSMOS - Six new spells for traveling between worlds, and on them as well.
    • ITEMS FOR THIS WORLD AND THAT - Nine nifty cosmic keepers that might come in handy exploring new worlds.
    • CREATURES BETWEEN WORLDS - Eight NPC and two vehicle stat blocks to add to your inter-stellar games.
    • 4th-LEVEL ADVENTURE - An ambitious captain needs security for her off-world flight to mine a rare mineral near a distant starport. If adventuring amongst celestial bodies isn’t enough enticement, maybe a cut of the prize money is!

    Click here to pick it up on the FG Forge today!
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  5. #15

    Unearthed Spoils #013 - Lycanthropy Unleashed

    Unearthed Spoils #013 - Lycanthropy Unleashed (5e)

    Lycanthropes exist among us. Some are good; most are not - and all live a life that is an out-of-body experience.

    Unearthed Spoils #013 – Lycanthropy Unleashed contains the following content:

    • LYCAN’S BANE DOMAIN - Nothing is more venal than a shapeshifter, and nothing is more offensive to these clerics than a soulless lycanthrope.
    • SWANMAY CONCLAVE - Voluntary lycans of the woods, these rangers are a good kind of shapeshifter.
    • BACKGROUND: LYCAN HUNTER - Werebeasts stole your past and shaped your present.
    • SPELLS FOR A SHIFTING WORLD - If you’re going to hunt lycanthropes, these may come in handy.
    • SHAPESHIFTING MAGIC ITEMS - They may change and shift, but the magic within these boons remains constant.
    • CREATURES UNLEASHED - A deadly feast of demons and beasts.
    • 6th-LEVEL ADVENTURE - A desecrated shrine, a stolen relic and a village under siege. Shapeshifters have descended upon the quaint village of Garber and it will take experienced heroes to root out the cause and set things right.

    Click here to pick it up on the FG Forge today!
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    We're also releasing content on the FG Forge.
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  6. #16

    Unearthed Spoils #014 - Among the Giants

    Unearthed Spoils #014 - Among the Giants (5e)

    Between the giants and normal folk of the world exist the giantkin. Too small for those of the ordning and too large for those of human society, they do their best to fit in – most of the time.

    Unearthed Spoils #014 – Among the Giants contains the following content:

    • JȌTUNHEIMAR PATRON - The creators of giants may be a warlock’s most potent patron of all.

    • STONE DOMAIN - These clerics serve deities that provide the foundation from which all life is built.

    • BOTANIST BACKGROUND - You’ve spent a lifetime studying plants. Your knowledge is useful every day.

    • GIGANTIC SPELLS - Magic users should tap into the largest knowledge base available to stay atop their game.

    • MASSIVE MAGIC ITEMS - A number of magic imbued items to make your travels memorable and legendary.

    • CREATURES AT LARGE - Giantkin defined.

    • 7th-LEVEL ADVENTURE - A stolen treasure and a ruined landmark draw attention away from an ogre incursion. A voadkyn’s life’s work has been ruined and the queen’s bodyguard is missing. The wood elves of Gloaming Glade need outside help, and soon.

    Click here to pick it up on the FG Forge today!
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  7. #17

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