5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
  1. #1

    LFG - Prefer PF 1st ed, 2nd ed, or D&D 3.5

    I started gaming with Avalon Hill games in the 70's, had subscriptions to both Dragon, and the General. Owned the Original D&D boxed set, along with many other Pen & Paper rpg's. I'm considerate, punctual, and immersive. I only wish to play with experienced, respectful adults, in a campaign setting (no offense to newbies, been there done that). Not interested in one shots or one month and done, lets experiment style game. I'd like very much to join a group already established, with a GM that is well versed in the game mechanics, but also is a people person who understands, this game is about enjoyment for everyone involved. I am also NOT interested in a GM/DM who has power and control issues, that is not for me. I will respect the rules, your adjudications, and your house modifications, and I prefer games where mostly folks are in-character, and roleplaying.

    I live in the Philippines, so I prefer evening games based on the eastern time zone of the US. The only slot during the week, I cant do would be my Saturday morning from 6:AM to 9:AM, which is 6:PM to 9:PM friday night in the US ET. I'm available most other evening times on any other day, or later friday night. Thanks for your consideration.

  2. #2
    I run a 2E homebrew for skills and spells if you're interested. Every player is older (40+) and the core group has been together for 2 years (2 players i've known for 30 years). We have fun and the emphasis is on fun and adventure. My DM style is hands off and realistic (i.e. you decide what to do I don't push you in any direction and yes you can die very easily if you're stupid). We play Thursday nights at 8pm EST. Interested?

  3. #3
    Sure, I'll give it a shot. Thursday evening there is my friday mornings here, so thats time slot works for me. Let me know whats next. I have a subscription to Fantasy Grounds, and I have discord. Need some insight into character generation requirements, party needs, etc, the login and game info. Thanks for the response.

  4. #4
    Brookshire, I run a biweekly game on Saturday nights GMT+8, it's a 2e AD&D game. We are looking for an additional player. I'll send you a PM.
    DM/GM Since 1985. Unity and Classic Ultimate License.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Brookshire View Post
    I started gaming with Avalon Hill games in the 70's, had subscriptions to both Dragon, and the General. Owned the Original D&D boxed set, along with many other Pen & Paper rpg's. I'm considerate, punctual, and immersive. I only wish to play with experienced, respectful adults, in a campaign setting (no offense to newbies, been there done that). Not interested in one shots or one month and done, lets experiment style game. I'd like very much to join a group already established, with a GM that is well versed in the game mechanics, but also is a people person who understands, this game is about enjoyment for everyone involved. I am also NOT interested in a GM/DM who has power and control issues, that is not for me. I will respect the rules, your adjudications, and your house modifications, and I prefer games where mostly folks are in-character, and roleplaying.

    I live in the Philippines, so I prefer evening games based on the eastern time zone of the US. The only slot during the week, I cant do would be my Saturday morning from 6:AM to 9:AM, which is 6:PM to 9:PM friday night in the US ET. I'm available most other evening times on any other day, or later friday night. Thanks for your consideration.
    Hey! Just dropping you a message because it's rare to finder another gamer here in PH! ha ha. I live in Biñan.

    I'll be starting a PF2E Abomination Vaults game but my planned time probably wouldn't be a good fit for you, but I'd be happy to connect on discord if you want to send me a PM. I usually shoot for middle of the day EST times because it attracts an older crowd.

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