Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    [Paid][LFP][D&D 5E][Wednesdays] Tales of Blood - A D&D 5e Ravenloft Campaign


    FG License Type: Ultimate
    Game System: D&D 5th Edition

    Day of week and time: Every other Wednesdays 6:00pm CST
    Term: Paid, $25 per session
    Voice software used: Discord

    Many have heard the tales of Barovia, a land preyed upon by the infamous Count Strahd von Zarovich, the best-known Prisoner of the Mists. Like the Count, many Adventurers have also found themselves trapped in the dour Domain of Dread--and many more have fallen prey to the mysterious Dark Powers housed within. Yet in recent years, the paradigms of the Domains have begun to shift and alter according to eldritch designs, and it has been discovered that Barovia is not the sole Domain to be found in a Sea of Horror! Indeed, it is but one of many Dreadful Domains whose borders have begun to fade and weaken betwixt truly terrifying neighbors!


    Tales of Blood is a souped up version of the Curse of Strahd module, which integrates the rules introduced in Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, and includes original created homebrew material to enhance player experience. This version of the game takes place in a Barovia that has some limited contact with the other Domains of Dread, and will even feature visiting some of these other locations as the campaign finishes dealing with Strahd and turns it's eye to the Dark Powers of Ravenloft themselves! Expect some Eldritch Horror and Lovecraftian flavor folded into your Gothic Horror experience! Prepare to be tested, with fine-tuned upgraded encounters, social engagements, and even murkier mysteries!


    Once done with Strahd we traverse the dread domains of Ravenloft in search of Vecna’s darkest secrets! The only other creature ever to escape the grasp of the Dark Powers and escape the demi-plane. Making it back to the Forgotten Realms only to discover they have been changed forever.

    Imagine a world where Tiamat was summoned successfully. Where the Princes of Elemental Evil tread unfettered. Where Demogorgon prowls the Underdark with the Wand of Orcus, leaving an army of undead in his wake. Where the storm giants have been cast to the bottom of the Ordning. Where Baldur's Gate has been banished to the Nine Hells. . . .

    Imagine a world where good has lost and evil prevailed.

    The Sword Coast has been divvied up by the Zhentarim, the mountain giants of Grudd Haug, the Cult of the Dragon, and many other sinister factions. But above them all looms the Archlich Vecna, who has orchestrated or exploited a series of ever-escalating calamities to conquer the very Realms themselves.

    Will the players rise to the challenge? Or, will they too, fall before the might of Vecna?

    As the second half of the Tales of Blood will feature Vecna himself as our heroes race to restore the Realms and put everything right again as we move toward 20th level and the final showdown.


    This campaign will be played every other Wednesday night via Fantasy Grounds (VTT) and Discord (voice).

    Game Link:

    Last edited by bwatford; May 22nd, 2024 at 16:21.

  2. #2
    2 seats filled; 4 seats still available.

  3. #3
    4 seats filled; 2 seats still available.

  4. #4
    Game is Full!!!
    Last edited by bwatford; May 5th, 2023 at 03:54.

  5. #5
    1 seat has become available.

    Current level is 4th

  6. #6
    Game is Full!!!
    Last edited by bwatford; July 28th, 2023 at 18:00.

  7. #7
    Game is Full!!!
    Last edited by bwatford; January 30th, 2024 at 02:40.

  8. #8
    Due to a schedule change we now have two seats that have just became available.

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