1. #1
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Feb 2017
    Greece & Iceland, depending on the time of year.

    Small issue when maximizing images

    I actually noticed this since 4.5.0 but never came around reporting it till now. (and I also have a minor UI tweak request)

    So, if you have a map and maximize it two steps (the background map mode), and then you have another map that's windowed, and hit "Increase Size" button to maximize it, the windowed map disappears while the previously maximized map remains in place. So then I have to tell my players to close the previous map and re-share. Which isn't the expected behavior.

    It works as expected if the map is only maximized one step (the one with the free space up for the initiative combat carousel), and you attempt to maximize a new image, the new image replaces the previous image as maximized--which is how FG handled things prior to 4.5.0.

    It's not a huge deal, but something to add to the list. I've already developed the habit of also dropping a link in the chatbox when I share maps to my players so that if they forget to first close the map, they can just click the link. Which brings me to the UI tweak. The reason I first drop the link, is because once the image is maximized, both the button and the radial menu option to share the image is gone. So, if I want to share an image I have maximized, I have to decrease it first to have access to all these controls (Image Link, Share/Unshare Button, and Radial Menu 'Share Record' Option). Would it be possible to have any of these available in the toolbar when the image is maximized? Regardless if the bug is fixed, for various reasons, I miss these controls when an image is maximized.

  2. #2
    I would love to see this in FGU base, however just in case you didn't know there is an EXT that can help some of that issue.


  3. #3
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Greece & Iceland, depending on the time of year.
    I stopped using that ext when 4.5.0 went live cause it baked in a share button. Also because at the time I believe it wasn’t fully compatible with 4.5.0.

  4. #4
    I have the fix for this queued up for the release this week already. Thanks for reporting.


  5. #5
    This fix has gone Live. Please run a new Check for Updates to get the latest changes.


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    This fix has gone Live. Please run a new Check for Updates to get the latest changes.


    I see part of the fix, but not the rest.

    No share or unshare icon on a map that has been increased in size once or twice.

    The other issue has been fixed.

  7. #7
    Vass_Dts's Avatar
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    Greece & Iceland, depending on the time of year.
    Thanks for the fix. Would welcome the addition of a share button/function in maximized modes, but no pressure. <3

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