1. #1

    FG Ruleset Updates 2024-03

    New versions of the core FG rulesets as well as every ruleset available in the FG store are now available. A comprehensive list of patch notes is available here.

    Please report any issues in the House of Healing forums.

    New Feature Highlights
    • Image view modes added (Camera View and Token View)
    • Image ping mode added
    • Tabletop Combat List option added
    • Quick Map feature added
    • Story Book pages available in Story campaign list
    • Standardization of record windows with new window menu bar options

    NOTE: If you are getting errors, please disable extensions and reload campaign before reporting. If errors caused by extensions or in forge rulesets, please report to the support thread for that extension or ruleset. If errors in core rulesets or FG store rulesets, please report in House of Healing forum.


  2. #2
    New fixes and updates to this release cycle are now available.

    • [CoreRPG+] Window menu bar link button shows hand icon to indicate that it is draggable like other links.
    • [CoreRPG+] When Story Book open, the Index and Page lock buttons moved into relevant sections.
    • [CoreRPG+] Story Book name added to link description dragged from Story Book campaign list.
    • [CoreRPG+] Deleting Story Book index page entry will remove display on the right if page matches.
    • [CoreRPG+] Quick Map updated to place friendly/neutral combat tracker actors with party actors.
    • [CoreRPG+] Added Share With Players button to Assets Preview window on GM client.
    • [CoreRPG+] Tabletop Combat List faction background did not update when faction changed. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Clicking on Story links outside of Story Books would close current story record. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Story record fields are not correctly locked when story record first opened. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Advanced Story record entries did not display dual text blocks when text framed. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Script error when clicking story link to module not loaded. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Character record token fields not editable if characters previously locked by an extension or by copying the record. Fixed.
    • [4E] Script error and missing buttons when opening Encounter record. Fixed.

  3. #3
    New fixes and updates to this release cycle are now available.

    • [CoreRPG+] Window menu re-organized to match previous layouts and OS conventions.
    • [CoreRPG+] Add Share button to Note window menu buttons when opened by owning player.
    • [CoreRPG+] Navigation buttons for non-book Story records.
    • [CoreRPG+] Control-click on Tabletop Combat List entry will toggle the targeting for the active unit (GM) or the active unit (Player).
    • [SW] Add Deal, On Hold and Interrupt radial menu options to Tabletop Combat List entries.
    • [CoreRPG+] Lag when editing story record name field. Fixed.
    • [5E] Using Level Up wizard when updating characters built with older versions of Xanathar's Guide to Everything module would throw error. Fixed.
    • [PFRPG/3.5E] Dragging class onto character to level up while original module not loaded could cause incorrect class from another module to be used. Fixed.
    • [SFRPG] PC Vehicles are incorrectly linked on the combat tracker. Fixed.
    • [SW] Script error when using Quick Map feature with an encounter defined. Fixed.

  4. #4
    New fixes and updates to this release cycle are now available.

    • [CoreRPG+] Adjusted record header frame to be smaller.
    • [Fallout] Carry weight modification for backpacks added.
    • [CoreRPG+] Missing lock and link menu buttons for many nested record windows. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Unable to drop numbers directly on party sheet inventory amounts/counts. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Story navigation not grouping by Group/Category. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Some image toolbar buttons not working. Fixed.
    • [5E] Recharge roll did not check actions or reactions for removal of recharging effect. Fixed.
    • [5E] Specialization choice option and Specialization requried fields missing in class feature sub-record. Fixed.
    • [5E] Goblin racial traits did not populate correctly. Fixed.
    • [SFRPG] Encounter XP auto-calculation not correct. Fixed.
    • [Fallout] Effect DR not stacking with armor. Fixed.
    • [SW] Script error when using button to make all NPCs visible on GM combat tracker. Fixed.
    • [SW] Unable to award bennies to PC combatant entries on GM combat tracker. Fixed.
    • [SW] Player combat tracker targeting drag buttons not working. Fixed.
    • [SW] Player combat tracker On Hold button not working. Fixed.


  5. #5
    New fixes and updates to this release cycle are now available.

    • [CoreRPG+] Added Help button to table records.
    • [CoreRPG+] Added image toolbar navigation toggle button.
    • [CoreRPG+] Updated image toolbar toggle button to match theme.
    • [CoreRPG+] Sharing Picture field from read-only record will now assume unidentified state.
    • [CoreRPG+] Combat tracker active indicator did not advance to next actor when deleting active actor. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Image toolbar shortcut toggle button state did not update when toggling shortcuts via image data panel. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Store/Folder/Refresh buttons incorrectly shown in Assets window on player client. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Multiple script errors while unloading module while story window from module still open. Fixed.
    • [5E] Goblin Fury of the Small racial trait automation incorrect. Fixed.
    • [4E] Adjusted NPC sheet to be more condensed again, especially for powers.
    • [4E] Unable to click on text field in character sheet ability detail windows. Fixed.
    • [2E] Script error when using story navigation in certain scenarios. Fixed.
    • [PFRPG] Official theme did not display well on image record windows. Fixed.
    • [SFRPG] Race/class error messages on drag and drop. Fixed.
    • [13A] Notes tab missing from NPC. Fixed.
    • [WOD] Unable to use attributes for rolls on combat tracker NPCs. Fixed.

  6. #6
    Quick update today.

    • [CoreRPG+] Module records supporting identification state did not update when identification state changed by the host after being shared. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Module records supporting identification state did not update identification state when reverted by the host. Fixed.
    • [4E] Skill challenges throw error on previously built content. Fixed. (Must delete and recreate any skill challenge encounter records created since 3/5.)
    • [4E] Skill challenges not adding DCs to Skill Challenge Tracker. Fixed.

  7. #7
    New fixes and updates to this release cycle are now available.

    • [CoreRPG+] Record text only tabs updated to accept UI interactions on text fields anywhere on visible tab area.
    • [CoreRPG+] Image record toolbar drawing tools disabled on player client when token lock disabled. Fixed.
    • [5E] Channel Divinity actions added by Character Wizard limited to current Channel Divinity feature.

  8. #8
    New fixes and updates to this release cycle are now available.

    • [CoreRPG+] Tooltips will now be displayed on name, health and effect decorators on Tabletop Combat List.
    • [CoreRPG+] Updated identification graphic in window menu buttons.
    • [CoreRPG+] Updated share button in window menu buttons to show pressed state when window has been shared.
    • [CoreRPG+] Player turn bell ring will now occur whether show turn notice option is on or not.
    • [CoreRPG+] Story Book headers will wrap lines when text larger than display width.
    • [CoreRPG+] Picture sharing would use incorrect name when sharing multiple pictures. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Random Encounters list edit button would not display delete buttons. Fixed.
    • [CoreRPG+] Some image data panel toggles would not update image toolbar. Fixed.
    • [5E] Class spell lists would sometimes fail to open on player clients. Fixed.
    • [4E] Change NPC default power display to expanded.
    • [4E] Encounter Add to Tracker button was not working. Fixed.
    • [SFRPG] Errors when attempting to update text in NPC record. Fixed.
    • [SFRPG] PCs token and space not updating when entering/leaving mech. Fixed.
    • [SFRPG] PC vehicles not able to receive weapon drops. Fixed.

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