1. #1

    Problem with the 50 Fathom module

    Greetings to all.

    I have a problem with the Savage Worlds 50 Fathoms module and I would like to know if you can help me to solve it.

    My native language is Spanish. I don't have any problem reading English, but usually when I run a campaign for the game I adapt it by translating some of the storys, npcs or items. But in the case of this module, when you open it the storys tab appears empty. And when you want to drag a story to the tab it doesn't let you. And of course, that's a problem because the book can't be edited because it's read-only.

    Do you know what the problem is and the possible solution?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Thanks for reporting. The copy on the campaign list only handles the most basic case right now. I've identified a way for it to handle any links of the same type; and I'll push an update next Tuesday to address.


  3. #3

    I don't know if you have been able to look at this topic, but the problem is not solved.

    When you load the module there is still no stories in its tab. Now you can drag the stories from the book to the tab, but even if you do this, they appear completely empty when you open them. Therefore, for practical purposes, you cannot edit any of them.

    Thank you very much in advance.


  4. #4
    Thanks for following up. It looks like the previous changes got it partially working; but not all the way. I should have a fix in place for the next update of the CoreRPG layer (which SW is built on top of).


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