1. #1

    Store link to PayPal working?

    I can't seem to get PayPal to work with a store purchase and didn't have any issues yesterday, or previous week...just hangs. And no, I have not changed browser settings - going to go clear cache, etc and report back here.
    Just thought I would bring it up if anyone else was having a similar issue.

  2. #2
    Update - Yup - clearing cache / website data ended up addressing the issue

  3. #3
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting the solution. Sorry for the difficulty.

  4. #4
    Ok, having the issue again but there is no "fix" to address it; I looked closer in the console. I am purchasing one of the larger bundles so there are lots of items. When the transition over to paypal occurs it spits back an error (or blank screen depending on your browser); but if you look in the console you will see:HTTP ERROR 431
    Which means the header is to long and the receiving server will reject it (in this case paypal).

    In the current setup its impossible I think for me to purchase the D&D classic bundle. Now, I had two bundles in there, I am going to go back and see if I can do one bundle at a time and will post back here the results.

  5. #5
    Was able to do one bundle at a time- so, the above is more of an awareness issue for a list in the cart that is beyond X number of items; I am unsure what X is.

  6. #6
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Thanks 8bitjunkie.

    Yes, we had to split them up into smaller bundles because it exceeded the max length for the callback.

  7. #7
    ah, that makes sense - a good problem to have I suppose - me buying too many things at once, hah!

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