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  1. #1

    Walls not being walls

    In Keep of the Borderlands the LOS does not seem to be working right. The walls exist on the map but no matter what combination of layer settings I use, the walls don't do anything. Players can see through and walk through them. What combination should I have or should I resign myself to making my own wall layer?
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  2. #2
    You didn't show a view of the image data panel in Play mode; but is the Enable/Disable Line-of-sight toggle enabled?


  3. #3
    Ahh.. sorry about that. Yes it is

  4. #4
    If it is enabled and still having issue, then we'll need a zipped up copy of your campaign folder, so that I can forward to @pindercarl and see if we can reproduce here.


  5. #5
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draykor View Post
    In Keep of the Borderlands the LOS does not seem to be working right. The walls exist on the map but no matter what combination of layer settings I use, the walls don't do anything. Players can see through and walk through them. What combination should I have or should I resign myself to making my own wall layer?
    In the screenshot, the layers with the walls are set to not share. If this is the case, then the walls will not be active for the players.

  6. #6
    Yes, in that picture the walls are turned off. I should have taken a SS with them on, that is on me. However, it does not make a difference if the walls are on or off as the affect is the same. I've attached a zipped copy of the campaign.

    So the camp folder does not get under the file limit size. What can I get rid of here that you all do not need?
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  7. #7
    Try posting on Google Drive, OneDrive or DropBox; mark the zip file as Share to Anyone with Link; and then post the link here or via PM.


  8. #8

  9. #9
    pindercarl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draykor View Post
    Once I turned on sharing, the walls worked as expected. Make sure that you have sharing, visible, and use walls enabled for any of the layers you want the players to see and have active LOS.layer_panel.jpg

  10. #10
    In your screencap, the very top layer without a name, that layer's walls I created last night. That layer did not come with the module so ignore it as it only exists in that part of the dungeon. I circled that layer in black in the screenshot labelled "PC Map Only Walls"

    The three layers below are the ones from the module that have walls but they do not work.

    In the screenshot "PC Map Only Walls Up" the layer config PC map shared, DM map not shared, and bottom map layer not shared. In the image "Bottom Layer Active" it shows that even with bottom layer active and walls active on that layer the players are still able to walk through the walls.

    In "In PC View Walls Up" the layers are configured as in your screenshot with my added walls layer turned off. The PCs can see and move through the walls as shown in the video.

    Other then the screenshot showing my added wall layer all screenshots and the video are from the view of me signing on as a client to the server via a second instance of FGU.

    So, as you can see, the only wall layer that works is the one I added for a game I ran last night and that layer only exists in the Goblin area of the map since that is where the players are. If I have to add a wall layer for the whole dungeon, that's fine. It will act a little wonkey because for whatever reason the doors work on layers that came with the module even though the walls do not.
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