5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #61
    Added drag and drop type and species for characters.

  2. #62
    - Cleaned up a few errors when equipping armor
    - Added icon on desktop to roll a wild d6. To roll more than one d6 left click to grab and right click to add die. This will let you quickly make a roll as the DM.
    - Fixed alignment issues on client CT labels
    - When the stunned effect is remove don the Character sheet it will now remove the CT effect
    - Standard grid is now 2 meters not 5 feet

  3. #63
    - Multi action now resets at end of the round
    -Ammo box is now displayed for ranged weapon (set via subtype on item record) on combat tab (I forgot to auto decrement on attack will be on next update )
    - Can now auto roll all FOE initiatives by right clicking menu button on CT. Make you you do this after you change round to clear any mutli-action penalties

  4. #64
    You've done a really great job making this available for us. Thank you very much!

  5. #65
    - Rolling vehicle maneuver on CT will now add primary or specialization skill to the roll
    - inserted a check for abnormal roll configuration so it should no longer throw an error when trying to use an invalid roll
    - added missing locks on vehicle record
    - reaction rolls on the CT will update correctly on a wild die

  6. #66

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Lidingö, Sweden, Europe
    Thanks for your work on this ruleset.

    I'm looking into writing an extension that implements Open D6 Fantasy. Shouldn't be too hard to get a basic sheet going.
    One thing I'd like to remove is the droid in the lower left corner. It's out of theme for a fantasy setting and it's also in the way of both parts of the chat box and the modifiers box. See attachment. I do, however, have some trouble finding which file I need to edit to remove the droid. Thanks for any pointer.


  7. #67

  8. #68
    Yeah rename the icon to a new image. You probably want to keep the functionality since you can roll any number of die and use the d6 wild die mechanic. (left click the right click to add more die)

    The ruleset is in your ruleset folder it is not in the vault.

  9. #69

    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Lidingö, Sweden, Europe
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Yeah rename the icon to a new image. You probably want to keep the functionality since you can roll any number of die and use the d6 wild die mechanic. (left click the right click to add more die)

    The ruleset is in your ruleset folder it is not in the vault.
    OK. Thanks. I'll try that approach.

  10. #70
    I'm not that familiar with d6 Star Wars, but I do have the generic D6 system stuff. For those of you that know both, how well would this ruleset work for the generic d6 system?

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