5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #91

    Can ask you if itīs possible to add any option to modify the Iniciative for combat? The only way that i know, its modifiying the Init trait every time we have a combat,because Combat Reflexes Talent cannot be added in any place.

    Sorry if my english itīs good enough, and thnx for read me

  2. #92
    Thanks for the feedback!

    I have gotten a few PM's also, with bugs and requests.

    I've listed the things I will focus on for the next update (note: very busy at my dayjob for the next couple of weeks, so don't expect an update in the near future):

    - Adv. is counted double when calculating dmg. for PC's
    - Missing field for movement in PC and NPC char. sheet.
    - Not possible to change initiative in combat tracker (alternative: automatic add bonus from trait in Combat Tracker)
    - Missing field to add traits/flaws for weapons.
    - No way to add effects that impact Combat rolls (or skill rolls, but that is secondary)
    - Something wrong for player client when rolling opposed rolls.

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