1. #1

    major gm phuq up?

    i have always been under the impression that in RMC, we could only use 50% of our OB to dump in to our DB for parry. after just looking at the parrying rules, seems i am wrong and we can use 100%? or even divide that 100% parry amongst multiple targets?

  2. #2
    Majyk's Avatar
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    Oct 2016
    Canada (Insomniac)
    Y’might be thinking that for when someone is Stunned or “Must Parry”?
    Then their max is 50% because it’s forced vs decided upon pre-attack. That or many believe that because simple math is easier than calculating a 43% Parry on a +56 OB.

    Otherwise, blow yer wad for Parrying any amount.
    In fact, a 100% Parry adds an extra +5 to DB(+25 to +30 for Main Gauches/Sais) on top that many forget to include.

    Shield parrying missile fire is supposed to eat up 50% of a Defender’s action in a round but I rarely see any GM apply that % Activity to anyone, NPC or PC alike. It’s like using Encumbrance/Exhaustion live at a table vs in a VTT…nobody uses it, heh.

  3. #3
    What Majyk said but I would add you a player can only parry the target he attacks. So typically they can only parry one opponent (martial artists being an exception). Of course if a player is hasted in some way or has two-weapon combo, he can potentially parry an additional opponent.

    I would guess the rule you were thinking of is two-handed weapons which can only apply a maximum of 50% parry against an opponent using a one-handed weapon?

  4. #4
    Majyk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold11 View Post
    Of course if a player is hasted in some way or has two-weapon combo, he can potentially parry an additional opponent.
    Also a Shield, so Shield on 2nd Attacker in front 3 hexes plus either Flank hex(just the one that is noted by the hand used wielding it).

  5. #5

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