5E Character Create Playlist
  1. #1

    5E Swordcoast Sandbox looking for players

    FG License: I have an Ultimate license, so players need at least demo.
    Game System: 5E

    Time Zone: EST, UTC -5
    Day of Week and Time: Saturday starting at 7 pm Est
    Will run for 3-4 hours.
    Planned start date: TBD depending on interest.
    Planned Duration and Frequency: Weekly
    Term: TBD depending on interest.
    No Fixed Group: Flexible, player determined sessions.
    Open Table: Open for all accommodating fluctuating player count.
    Text or Voice: Voice (Discord)
    Main Language Used: English
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: No

    Roleplay and Combat Mix: 40/60
    Number of Players Needed: 4-6
    Character starting level & equipment: Level 2 with 1 magical weapon from PHB.
    Character restrictions: PHB Races however anything up for discussion.
    Details of scenario: I want to run a game that players want to play. I’m up for anything that sounds fun.
    I’m leaning towards a Swordcoast sandbox based out of Neverwinter. The city is full of refugees escaping war torn lands from the south and east. The roads and sea routes once deemed safe have become quite dangerous. Travel and trade has almost ground to a halt. Those that do still brave the roads do so in caravans that encounter bandits and monsters that have swept down from the mountain wilderness to raid and plunder villages and carry off all those that aren’t killed. Rumors are rampant and can’t possibly all be believed.
    Players will be adventurers new to the city and hired by a group of mysterious merchants to investigate and defend its interests both within the city and out beyond the walls.
    Feel free to contact me for more information. Cheers.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I just can't explain how happy I got when I read this entry. It was just the most fitting campaign scenario to what I want to play. A forgotten realms campaign that is not one of the official published modules, but a homebrew one. Plus a sandbox based one. Unfortunately, the timeslot does not work for me. I am at GMT+1 timezone. If the day and the time for the sessions may change somehow in the future, I am willing to participate. Nonetheless, good luck and have the best for your upcoming game. It looks really fine

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