Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    D&D Basic (Moldvay, 1981) Module for OSE

    I've been playing B/X using bayne7400's OSE ruleset. I had to go in and add all the classes, items, and spells myself. If anyone else is interested in playing B/X feel free to use the module I made. So far it only supports Basic (up to level 3) and doesn't have monsters. You have to drag stuff onto players' sheets and tinker here and there but I've had a bunch of fun with it. I'll be working on Expert soon as well and will update the module.

    -Classes (Cleric, Fighter, MU, Thief, Demihumans) up to level 3 with THAC0, XP, saving throws plugged in, etc.
    -Equipment (Weapons, armor, adventuring gear) with encumbrance, AC, etc.
    -Spells (Lv.1 Clerical Spells, Lv.1-2 MU spells)

    If anyone has suggestions or issues, let me know and I"ll see what I can do. I do this for fun. I can't attach files for some reason so I uploaded it to catbox instead. Apologies if that's a no-no. Cheers!

    D&D Basic (1981) v.0.1

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Blog Entries
    Great job sevenn
    Unfortunately you cannot share the description text as this is protected by copyright.
    You can share the mechanical data but not flavour text.

  3. #3
    It might save you some time to pick up the tomes and copy the records over. Easier to modify if required and many will need to change .

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