Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #1

    Looking for Rolemaster players as i experiment with DM'ing for rolemaster

    I am thinking of diving in and running some rolemaster. I have ref'd on fantasy grounds before but not with the rolesmaster rule set. SO this is an experimental dive in for me. Looking for an experesion of interest from players that preferably have experience with FGU for rolemaster. As i am myself returning to rolemaster after a very long time it would also be good for the players to have a firm grasp on the rules or have played Rolemaster before.

    FG License:

    Game System:

    Time Zone:
    UK GMT

    Day of week and time:
    Thinking of Thursday evening at the moment.

    If new game, planned start date:
    no start date yet just getting a group together first.

    Planned Duration & Frequency:
    once a week.


    Text or Voice:
    Thinking voice over discord but may opt for team speak. will check with group on preferences.
    Main Language used:

    Voice software used:
    Discord or team speak.

    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?
    Not planned to be recorded or streamed. So no recording please.

    Roleplay & Combat mix:
    This first attempt at running. As i want to get a good grip on the mechanics of the rule set in FGU and the dungeon picked is combat/action orientated.

    Number of Players in game & needed:
    Character starting level & equipment:
    Character restrictions:
    Going with common man for race.

    Details of your scenario:
    This is a convertion from a pathfinder 2 adventure path called abomination vaults. It depends on how well it goes if i keep running and how far i will go. As I am returning and this is a converstion, this may mean the adventure ballance is not right.

  2. #2
    If it were not for being on UK time, I would sign up! Every D&D to RM conversion I have been apart of has really struggled with combats slaughtering players so if I can offer any free advice, cut the number of encounters to about 25%. Good luck and welcome back!

  3. #3
    That sounds like solid advice. I will start thinking how to reduce the chance of devistation the party. The encounters maybe part of the plot and story, so reduction in encounters might be hard. I might be able to reduce the chance of lethality and bad encounters. Especialy when the party is still at lvl1 . Plenty of chance to rest and recover and seek medical help at the town maybe also useful. No need to drive through multiple encounters in one go also will help.

  4. #4
    I have also been wanting to play Rolemaster, and/or DM in the future. I have some experience with Rolemaster rules, in that I have read them through and experiment solo with them in FG. I have not played in a regular VTT game with Rolemaster, but am fairly familiar with the way the rules work in FG (via solo play). I am interested in learning more and experimenting with the game more. I am in US central time, so that might be an issue. And I have a Thursday DnD game ( 7 to 10 PM CT), but have a lot more flexibility time-wise because I recently retired. So even if you have a game in the evening, it would mean I am in the early afternoon, so it could work.

    Just FYI, I have a lot of interest in Shadow World setting for Rolemaster Classic by Terry Amthor. It was designed for Rolemaster, but is mainly a setting, with some adventures available, they just do not have the level of detail that a lot of the modern 5th edition DnD canned campaigns have. Whether that's good or bad, I guess is up to the players and the DM. I have no experience with a conversion, so no opinion on how it might turn out. I think advice from Grimbokl11 above is probably good advice. In DnD, and I think in Pathfinder as well, the characters and monsters after 3rd level can beat on each other a little to get to near death, but it could happen very fast in Rolemaster, what with the critical hit system, but that's also why Rolemaster catches my interest.

    Put me in the the interested column. Let me know if you move forward.

  5. #5
    Greetings. I am possibly interested. I am in US time zone -5. Perhaps we can coordinate the timing.

  6. #6
    Glad to see some interest out there. It does look like I will have to run this at a time that works for a US /Canada friendly time slot and a different day. I will have a look at the time zones and it will probably have to be at the weekend.

  7. #7
    So we are about 5 hours off. As I said I am US EST (-5 GMT).
    Weekends are probably good for me.

  8. #8
    I would like to join. UK time is fine with me and Thursdays or okay.
    Ultimate License

  9. #9
    It's been a few decades since I played the system, but if time works, I'm game. I'm Eastern as well but Friday evenings would be best. If doesn't work, no worries. It's just nice to see an oldie come back, regardless of if I can make if or not.

  10. #10
    Hi, I am interested in playing, I played Rolemaster years ago, I think it was 2nd Edition Rolemaster. I am unfamiliar with the latest edition butI'm willling to learn, I live in the UK as well

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