Thread: weapon damage?

  1. #1

    weapon damage?

    I was looking at the space craft scale weapons table and saw this a Solar Pulse Generator that does 5DD x 10 damage. I am i correct in reading that as 5d6 x 10 x 10? I am asking in case i run across any other similar.

  2. #2
    I'm not familiar system; but that is how it is documented in the PDF used to build the module.


  3. #3
    Ok I wanted to clarify that. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Ok I wanted to clarify that. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Solar Pulse generator in High Guard 2022 is 5Dx100 damage and has this description explaining why it does so much damage:

    The solar pulse generator is a highly unusual weapon that is distributed across the hull of an entire ship, using massive amounts of power to generate a pulse that affects all nearby ships, shorting out their systems and disabling them. A solar pulse generator has capacitors installed, allowing the 2,000 Power required to fire it to be added incrementally over time. However, once it has started charging, it must be fired within 10 rounds or be discharged safely, a process that takes 1D rounds. If this is not done, the generator overloads and inflicts its damage upon its ship while discharging. When fired, the solar pulse generator automatically damages every ship within range except the firing ship.

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