Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
  1. #1

    Do these books ever go on sale?

    As a long-time player who has all of the major 2e books and is looking to transfer my groups to fantasy grounds for my next campaign, I've been balking at the cost of the splatbooks. Twenty bucks apiece for material that is over twenty years old is a bit much for my liking, and the apparent complete lack of them being put on sale is a bit annoying since it's looking like I have a good deal of material to buy for my table.

    Any advice/encouragement?

  2. #2
    We have asked many times; but we have not been given permission to put the 2E books on sale by the publisher. Perhaps you can reach out to the publisher to move the needle...


  3. #3
    I assume the publisher is WOTC?

    Wish me luck...

  4. #4
    Yes, that's correct. WotC is the publisher.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    Yes, that's correct. WotC is the publisher.

    Do you have a recommended email/method to send this request?
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  6. #6
    No, we do not have permission to give out specific contact info; and the people have changed recently anyway.


  7. #7
    I would argue that the "how long something has been around" is irrelevant. In my opinion, the cost of the products are more than justified when taking into account the massive amounts of time and effort the authors must devote in getting these modules/resource fully converted. This isnt dropping a PDF in, its often weeks/months of work. When it comes to classic AD&D modules/reference manuals, its mainly just a labor of love. This isn't the 5e market. I sympathize if the cost is too much, but I feel its more than fair considering the above.
    Last edited by spencerg; December 24th, 2023 at 01:56.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Birthplace of Blackmoor
    They used to go on sale at like 25% off, the last I remember was a year or two ago.
    To second spencerg, I have converted a ton of modules, bestiary, campaign settings to FGU modules and it is a HUGE time sync. So if something is available on the store and I more than happy to toss a 20 to save me all the time it takes.

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