1. #1

    How to "anti-power game" in 5E D&D

    Everyone knows how to power game. Well, I like to do the opposite when I play 5E D&D.

    First, you need to do your internet research to determine one PC ability that is notoriously weak. I decided on the spell True Strike.

    Next, build a fairly decent character designed around that weak link. I built a 1st level warlock with the usual powered up eldritch blast (once I get those awesome invocations) and high charisma.

    Finally, create a bit of back story explaining why you must use your weak link often. Here is mine.

    My character was assassinated and left for dead. He survived, and vowed to do anything to get revenge... even if it meant making a pact with a devil. As part of agreement, the devil required my character to cast a spell that allowed the devil to see my target's face, and hence the their painful facial expression as I blast them with my magic. This devil enjoys as a pastime watching others suffer pain. In exchange, I get the power I need to get revenge.

    In actual game terms, I role play that I must only cause damage to NPCs that also targeted by my true strike spell. To do otherwise is to violate the terms of the contract.

    In actual play, it is hilarious. I really struggle to do any damage. Either I lose concentration, or my allies kill my target before I get a damage spell off. It will become even better (i.e., even more depowered) at 5th level. True strike ends after I make a single attack roll. Therefore, I will not be able to cast multiple blasts from 5th level onward.

    The group has had a great laugh watching me struggle and everyone enjoys my colorful cursing of my patron. (My character feels like he was tricked by that devil.) Obviously, such an approach would not work in many other groups. I suspect that players would be angry if someone showed up with such a weak character. Are there any other anti-power gamers out there?

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  3. #3
    True Strike is actually not too bad as a Warlock with Witch Bolt to better the odds that the spell lands and you do not waste your precious spell slot so easily. Then just keep out-of-range and let the spell continue the damage.

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