Starfinder Playlist
  1. #1

    LFP AD&D 2E - Need 2-3 More


    Need 1-2 more additional players for AD&D 2E game.

    DM FG License: Fantasy Grounds Unity Ultimate - Players only need the Demo version
    Game System: AD&D 2e
    Time Zone: USA Eastern Time
    Day of week and time: Tuesday 11 am
    New game, planned start date: October 3rd with session 0 on an individual basis ASAP.
    Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly
    Term: Long
    Text or Voice: Voice.
    Voice software used: Discord.
    Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No
    Roleplay & Combat mix: Group dependent
    Number of Players in game & needed: Looking for 4-5
    Character starting level & equipment: Level 1, standard equipment. Characters will need to spend all their money or lose it on creation. Each characters will have 5sp to start with when adventure begins.
    Character restrictions: Core classes and races wit some kits available. Gnomes do not exist in the world. Half-Orcs do.

    Campaign: Setting isn't necessarily "low magic", but is below average magic. Mages are treated with suspicion (but not outright hostility) and magic itself is considered dangerous and mysterious as opposed to mundane. Characters are regular people who for want of gold, glory, and adventure decided to pick up the sword and venture into the unknown. Adventure style is sandbox with adventure hooks and an overarching narrative.

    House Rules / Style:

    The point of this to communicate the style of the game that is being played. This style is not for everyone, and there is nothing wrong if this style is not for you. But please read below and go into this knowing what you're getting in to. I'm not a novelist and I don't want to make you actors in my story. I've created a world that your PCs have agency in to change and affect, my purpose is to be an impartial referee and narrator of the effects of those decisions and actions.

    1. Character ability scores are rolled via Method II
    - If you have a specific character that you need to play and you will get upset if the rolls do not bear that out, this is not the game for you.

    2. Demi humans require double experience to exceed their level limits.

    3. Demihumans can exceed level limits with exceptional ability scores.

    4. Evil alignments allowed but psychopathic murderers are not. Basically, going around murdering people will not end well, but being a mercenary with questionable morals is ok (if the party tolerates you). You can make a Lawful Evil interesting and fun if done right... few do however.

    5. Age is determined by table in PHB.

    6. Height/Weight can be chosen by players.

    7. Elves in the nearby forest are territorial and known for killing intruders. Elven PCs should expect the local people to dislike and distrust them until shown otherwise.

    8. 1st level is Max HP

    9. Deaths door (-10HP for death) rules is being used.

    10. Dual Classing does not require a 15 and 17 in prime requisites. All you need to dual class is to meet the basic class required ability scores (and be Human). Dual classing does not penalize for using previous class's abilities.

    11. Your characters will likely die. I would suggest you do not write a novel for a back story as you're likely an 18 year old farmer's 3rd son with no inheritance, there simply isn't a whole lot of life experience to write about. If you do decide to write a novel, that novel is for your own reference. Do not send said novel to me, your PCs actions shall shape the world around them, not the back story you wrote. Show the party and the world your PC's personality and history (short as it is) through play. You can of course decide to have an elaborate backstory but it will be on the player, not the DM to integrate it into the story somehow.

    12. I cannot emphasize enough that your characters will likely die. This clashes with contemporary RPG sensibilities (understandably so). If you find character death deeply upsetting, this is not the game for you. It's not a meatgrinder but one bad saving throw can kill you in AD&D 2E.
    - NOTE: To be clear, the objective is not to kill your characters, but 2E has some traps that if you're not being cautious will kill you on a bad roll. Some of these traps can seem unfair to the gaming sensibilities of more contemporary players. I only belabor the point because I've had too many players say they completely understand in session 0 but completely lose their **** when their character dies in session 2 to a poison dart trap. It is part of D&D 2E, if you do not like that style of play, it is ok, but this is not the game for you. If you want an example of how unfair it can be, read this. We won't be playing that module but it gives you a general idea.

    13. Narrative focus is on ordinary people trying to become extraordinary.

    14. Initiative is RAW and with weapon speed.

    15. There are not magical stores.

    16. Your equipment may need to make saving throws on failed saves.

    17. Non-weapon proficiencies are used

    18. Clerics MUST be specialty priests

    19. Level up requires 1 week per level of training.

    20. 10% extra experience for high prime requisites will be used.'

    21. Actual spell casting Priests are rare (and considered gifted by the gods), making coming back from the dead difficult outside of cities.

    22. If you are RPing a selfish *******, the other players can RP telling your character to leave the party (requiring you to make a new character). It is, only good RP after all.

    23. Currency having weight will be used. Figuring out a way to store your loot without it being stolen is going to be a thing.

    24. Experience is rewarded for "defeating" enemies or completing objectives. Meaning you get rewarded if you draw your sword or not. Do not get hung up on trying to kill everything you meet because you think it is intended. Defeating your enemies or getting the treasure without killing anything is a great accomplishment (as unlikely as that outcome is).

    25. Mages are regulated and watched by a quasi-government entity. Turns out the idea of guys/gals who can kill dozens with the wave of their hand is pretty terrifying to a Feudalistic government. Think Cowled Wizards for Baldur's Gate 2 but they don't prohibit you from casting spells. They simply show up and obliterate you if you threaten the government but otherwise leave you alone.

    26. Hirelings are a tool for you to use, but don't expect them to be particularly brave or willing to risk too much danger.
    Last edited by viktorthepirate; September 9th, 2023 at 18:20.

  2. #2
    If there is still room I am interested, sounds like the old school campaigns I grew up with. I played AD&D through the 80s and early 90s. I have an Ultimate account and discord. Let me know if you still have room.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Karnack View Post
    If there is still room I am interested, sounds like the old school campaigns I grew up with. I played AD&D through the 80s and early 90s. I have an Ultimate account and discord. Let me know if you still have room.
    Still have room! I'll DM you a discord invite.

  4. #4
    Need 1-2 more for anyone else looking

  5. #5
    I might be interested, waiting to hear back from an OSE group. I am free during the day on Tuesdays (retired) and absolutely love your House Rules/Style. Perhaps we can chat via PM?

    EDIT: woops didn't pay attention enough, your game is full. Contact me if a slot opens
    Last edited by Historiker; September 14th, 2023 at 01:02.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Historiker View Post
    I might be interested, waiting to hear back from an OSE group. I am free during the day on Tuesdays (retired) and absolutely love your House Rules/Style. Perhaps we can chat via PM?

    EDIT: woops didn't pay attention enough, your game is full. Contact me if a slot opens
    We can actually fit one more, I'll DM you.

  7. #7
    ***********game is full************

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