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  1. #571
    I popped the data in a module and put it in the Forge:

    I also put together an NPC generator :

    Hope you find them useful.

  2. #572
    So trying to "fix stuff" now the module for COC 7E Pulp Reference which has a Skill list, the skill list box is absolutly blank, I cannot seem to get it properly redownloaded and I am pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be blank. Help.

  3. #573
    So if you browse the CoC 7e Reference entry in Modules, then open the Skills list from there yes it is empty. But the Skills added by the module are there, here’s how to prove it:

    1. Load CoC 7e Reference module.
    2. Open the Skills list from the toolbar rather than the Modules section.
    3. In the Skills list, click the Group at the top of the box to show the available groups.
    4. Unload the CoC 7e Reference and you, you will see Psychic Skills and Pulp Cthulhu groups disappear.

  4. #574
    Zealot, that is spectacular, many thanks.

  5. #575
    Quote Originally Posted by sedgetone View Post
    I popped the data in a module and put it in the Forge:

    I also put together an NPC generator :

    Hope you find them useful.
    I did Sedgestone, thankyou for those things you put in the Forge.

    Speaking of Forge I am getting a red box with an error when I click on creator, while logged in. Any ideas who I should bring this up to?

  6. #576

  7. #577
    Thanks to everyone for the great work in bringing Call of Cthulhu 7e to FG. I am new to FG as I was looking for a VTT to run Masks of Nyarlathotep - gave it a try for a few one shots for my group and have solidly landed on FG as the VTT of choice for this type of game. Only wish I have are for markdown/RTF options for notes and journal entries but that aside - awesome tool.

  8. #578

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Thanks hackRPG for the kind words.

    The lack of markdown / RTF notes is, unfortunately, a limitation of the underlying FG Unity system, I’m afraid, so is unlikely to change any time soon.

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