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  1. #1
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Cleanup Text - radial menu option question

    "... one of the living—moving at their slow, ..." [NOTE: In case viewers with other charsets are not seeing it right, this is a "long dash"]

    gets changed to:
    "... one of the living-moving at their slow, ..."

    Which, I suppose is happening because whatever that symbol was from the PDF, it is problematic for some viewers or character-sets?
    I assume I should obey the menu option because it likely "knows things" I do not

    In that case, I will change it to:
    "... one of the living--moving at their slow, ..."

    to at least try to duplicate the intended text in a "generic" (if not as pretty) way. Thoughts/recommendations on other choices?

  2. #2
    Yes, all dash types are converted to regular dashes to minimize font/coding issues. Changing to double dash may not be desired for text being parsed, since long dashes are often used for minus text (i.e. -X).


  3. #3
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Thanks Moon.

    So I will remove all encountered cut-n-paste instances of "—". I wasn't clear on what you means by:

    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    ...Changing to double dash may not be desired for text being parsed, since long dashes are often used for minus text (i.e. -X). ...
    I want to honor the author's intent to put some sort of seperator here. If you mean that "—" is interpreted as a "-" by whatever is parsing, then placing a single "-" would be no better. But perhaps looks better than my suggested 2 dash?

    To recap, this is for TEXT sections of Story entries and/or Reference pages - not for anything in what I think should be parsable like "Notes" fields in SWADE or in Effects strings etc. This is just for "adventure text".

    So, any pref between:
    A) "... one of the living—moving at their slow, ..." --> REJECTED due to your explanation that is can cause "font/coding issues"
    B) "... one of the living-moving at their slow, ..." --> What "Cleanup Text" changes it to automatically...
    C) "... one of the living - moving at their slow, ..." --> Changed cleanup to add space before/after so it doesn't look like a "hyphenated word" - the author is apparantly useding it for a "pause" effect instead (? I am not good with 45+ years ago English Composition terms.)
    D) "... one of the living--moving at their slow, ..." --> Like cleanup, but using 2 dashes to not confuse with hyphenation
    E) "... one of the living -- moving at their slow, ..." --> Like D, but added spacing before/after - wanted to see what people thought conveyed intent better D or E.

    >I< tend to put " - " in between a statement and "clarification", so I guess (C) would work in duping that. But I am no paragon of writing - I'd prefer not to use ME for the "example" of how to best write something. AMIRITE?

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    I doubt that the author had any intent.
    Many applications change the - to a different dash depending on what character is typed next.
    Ive never understood why there would be a dash in that situation without spacers pre and post as its not a "living-moving" its something living that is moving...
    Unless ofc it is a "living-moving" and then just ignore me...

  5. #5
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Ah i didn’t know that about the app changing -s thing.

    I am in bed atm, was a long day. But looking again at another of the PDFs for this I see it appears a lot and it seems to be spaced like this:

    “A word— another word”
    Interesting, I typed 2 dashes this time it made that LONG dash!

    A — word
    Hmm here too with space before and after. So yeah, it is the app as you said at least converting 2 - into a long one.

    If did single dash, it doesn’t do it:
    A word- another word.

    Anyhow, here is some concrete examples. It appears the intent is dash followed by space but when I use one dash it doesn’t look as “good” (to me) as 2dash+<space> I’ll prob go that route (ironically, not one of the A-E)

    Ok sleeping now cos I’m delirious

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