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Thread: PFRPG - Feats

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    Has anyone considered making a shared spread sheet with all the feats and code for implementing them? I know it is daunting but I also am sure there are a lot already done floating out there. Once it gets enough working codes it could be implemented like the spells.
    Like this?

    Or something else?
    If you are talking about monster and monster abilities there are extensions that have started automatically apply abilities, but we have still a long way to go.
    If you are talking about PC that link above is a ok start if you do not know anything about effects. If you do know your effects you can make better more general effects that the one above. And if you are talking about even more automation for abilites you need several extensions also, and it varies a lot what extension people use.

  2. #12
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Mar 2020
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Yep pretty much that, My DM had it loaded but I didn't see it. thanks

  3. #13
    Morenu's Avatar
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    Mar 2020
    Pennsylvania, USA
    I sent you a PM a few days ago, but I thought I would try here. I was hoping to get the OK to use your mod and add effects to the feats, Spell effects or explanations on how to automate if possible, and to otherwise note that automation is unneeded or not possible. similar to the Linked versions of some of the mods. I can share what I have done so far if you want to see an example. my main focus on this is for new FGU players and new PF1e players. but It may also help others.

    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Morenu View Post
    I sent you a PM a few days ago, but I thought I would try here. I was hoping to get the OK to use your mod and add effects to the feats, Spell effects or explanations on how to automate if possible, and to otherwise note that automation is unneeded or not possible. similar to the Linked versions of some of the mods. I can share what I have done so far if you want to see an example. my main focus on this is for new FGU players and new PF1e players. but It may also help others.

    Sorry was gone for a few days. I just now responded to your email. Yes, please proceed with my blessing. It sounds like a very useful module.

  5. #15

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