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  1. #101
    Hi Celestian. I think this is the proper place to put this rather than in ruleset feedback. Curious about the Palidin aura of protection effect. Currently it is: Paladin Aura(SELF); IFT: ALIGN(evil);AC: 1;

    So this seems like it will make the paladin's AC 1 better if the creature attacking is evil.

    The description of the aura of protection is "A paladin is surrounded by an aura of protection with a 10-foot radius. Within this radius, all summoned and specifically evil creatures suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls, regardless of whom they attack".

    So it seems like the more correct effect would be: AURA:10 foe violet;IF:ALIGN(evil);ATK:-1 (I chose violet for the color of my aura on the map!). So like the description of the aura, this would lower the attack roll of any evil foe within 10 feet.

    Let me know your thoughts...
    Last edited by sasaki; October 28th, 2021 at 03:38.

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by sasaki View Post
    Hi Celestian. I think this is the proper place to put this rather than in ruleset feedback. Curious about the Palidin aura of protection effect. Currently it is: Paladin Aura(SELF); IFT: ALIGN(evil);AC: 1;

    So this seems like it will make the paladin's AC 1 better if the creature attacking is evil.

    The description of the aura of protection is "A paladin is surrounded by an aura of protection with a 10-foot radius. Within this radius, all summoned and specifically evil creatures suffer a -1 penalty to their attack rolls, regardless of whom they attack".

    So it seems like the more correct effect would be: AURA:10 foe violet;IF:ALIGN(evil);ATK:-1 (I chose violet for the color of my aura on the map!). So like the description of the aura, this would lower the attack roll of any evil foe within 10 feet.

    Let me know your thoughts...
    Thats because when the PHB was created, auras didn't exist. It could be added in NOW but im a bit worried about changing it because it presumes you have tokens on the map... as it would not work if they were using theater of the mind ... where as the other method works always.
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  3. #103
    Under the Mage class in at least the PHB and Complete Wizard's handbook, there's a typo.
    Where it says "Allowed Armor: None", the "N" in "None" is bold, and there's an extra space "N one"

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Tensin View Post
    Under the Mage class in at least the PHB and Complete Wizard's handbook, there's a typo.
    Where it says "Allowed Armor: None", the "N" in "None" is bold, and there's an extra space "N one"
    Corrected these, they will go out when there is a update to them. Don't want to push it out for typos for now
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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  5. #105
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    I am using Mad Nomad's Library UI ext. so perhaps this may show different but here is what I saw (some of these may not be adventures I was unsure on some)

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    My First Mod PFRPG - Feats Extended, focusing on PF1e Feats and Racial Traits automation. It is open to community assistance** accidentally deleted, If anyone grabbed a copy, PLEASE let me know**. Here is the forum Link.

    40+ PF1e Extensions & Modules I use, with links.

    PF1E Coding Effects - Spreadsheet

    Discord: Morenu

  6. #106
    Getting an error when attempting to run the @function in a table (e.g. "Andesine@[1d10*1d10] sp"), which has been working fine for the last few months.

    Script execution error: [string "2E:scripts/manager_utilities_adnd.lua"]:770: copyNode: Source node does not exist

    I tested the error in my clean FG instance that I use for building to make sure it wasn't due to other extensions and it occurs 100% of the time when I am trying to create random valued gems in a parcel.

  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenebris View Post
    Getting an error when attempting to run the @function in a table (e.g. "Andesine@[1d10*1d10] sp"), which has been working fine for the last few months.

    Script execution error: [string "2E:scripts/manager_utilities_adnd.lua"]:770: copyNode: Source node does not exist

    I tested the error in my clean FG instance that I use for building to make sure it wasn't due to other extensions and it occurs 100% of the time when I am trying to create random valued gems in a parcel.
    Sounds like your table is linking to a item that doesnt exist. Check that that table line, if a object, exists.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
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  8. #108
    Ugh. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I made a mistake with a module I exported that unlinked everything that I have been working through and somehow this just didn't occur to me. Sorry about the inconvenience.

  9. #109
    Hello. I noticed some errata you might have missed. There were some updates to a few PHB/ToM Priest spells in the Faiths and Avatars book page 183, adjusting their Sphere access. If someone could update these spells in the relevant modules, it would be useful. The extra Tome of Magic schools and spheres weren't included in any of the PHB spells as far as I know, and I'd like to see those tags added as well. The PHB spells don't seem to allow editing. Is there a way I can edit them myself without copying another version of the spell?
    image from 9516 Faiths & Avatars-184.jpg

    Also, is there any chance of consolidating Invocation/Evocation spells to just Invocation, Enchantment/Charm to just Enchantment, Conjuration/Summoning to just Conjuration and Illusion/Phantasm to just Illusion? Makes it a pain to have to search two different lists for each school of magic.
    Last edited by SylvanSnake; July 3rd, 2023 at 09:27.

  10. #110
    I am not for consolidating the school listings. One example: There are items and other spells that work against Charm spells for example. Those do not work against Enchantment spells. When coding in effects that only work against Charm is easy.
    Last edited by anstett; July 3rd, 2023 at 13:59. Reason: spelling
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