1. #1

    Barbarian Rage Duration Not Adding Up


    I cannot get the Barbarian Rage duration to add up. At 8th level with a CON mod of +4 the total # of rounds per day should be 22 (4 + 4 (con) + 14 (+2 each level after 1st). The closest I can get is 18.

    " 4 x CON + 2"

    What am I missing?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by L4wful3vil View Post
    I cannot get the Barbarian Rage duration to add up. At 8th level with a CON mod of +4 the total # of rounds per day should be 22 (4 + 4 (con) + 14 (+2 each level after 1st). The closest I can get is 18.
    Duration: " 4 x CON + 2"
    Try using
     2 x CL  + 6
    Picture attached below. It's not going to look normal, but it will get you a duration that increases by 2 each level and at level 8 begins at 22.

    Since the CL is your level, try getting a number that equals the bonus to be added to the duration each level. Then, make the static '+' bonus to get the remainder of the duration to what it should be at level 1. After, you just have to adjust that '+' bonus with each gain of CON. (So +8 if you have +6 CON bonus; +10 for +8; ect.)

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