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  1. #81
    In recent memory:

    D&D, d20, Warhammer, Exalted

  2. #82
    Waldo Pepper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Duisburg, Germany
    Savage Worlds
    Cold City
    Dogs in the Vineyard
    Primetime Adventures
    My Life with Master
    The Esoterrorists
    Burning Wheel
    Gaming Brouhaha
    Time Zone: GMT+1

  3. #83
    Xorn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Helena, MT
    In the last year:

    D&D v3.5 (Greyhawk)
    playing in Star Wars SE, too.

    Over the last 24 years?
    D&D (BECMI), 1E, 2E (barely), 3E, 3.5E
    Every Palladium game (actually one, giant megaverse game) from 1988 to 1999
    GURPS, Star Wars (d6), WoD (vampire mostly, including a little LARPing in college *embarrassing pause*), Powers & Perils, ElfQuest, RuneQuest, Bushido, and some Warhammer Fantasy. I dabbled with other systems, but none long enough to be noteworthy. OMG, I didn't mention Villians & Vigilantes!? Also Marvel Superheroes snuck in there. Only for bragging rights, I did play Scantily Clad Biker Chics With Big Guns for one game in college, and I also ran one season of WWF The Role-Playing Game. (College was a weird time for me.) And by the way, WWF RPG is actually pretty fun, if you accept that it's completely retarded and can get past that.

    I actually really enjoyed Powers & Perils--and still have the Tower of the Dead somewhere--I convert it to every campaign I run. My players are probably tired of there being a lich at the heart of every evil plan, but F them... it was a great adventure module! :P
    Last edited by Xorn; March 21st, 2008 at 16:40.

  4. #84
    Xorn if you intend on running a continuous campaign, please let me know, my brief experience with you as a DM for the 4e demo was quite a lot of fun.

  5. #85
    Xorn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Helena, MT
    I'm running a continuous 3.5 campaign right now, "Watch For Falling Meteors" (which you heard the story behind) but because of the 4E fan playtests, it has basically ground to a halt for the moment.

    That campaign is currently full, if we ever start playing it again. But if someone stops playing, consider yourself invited.

  6. #86

    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    North Carolina, USA

    Savage Worlds!!!

    My group runs Savage Worlds ONLY these days.

    Over the past 25+ years we've played:

    Every version of D&D
    Chaosium (Elfquest, Stormbringer, CoC, Pendragon)
    Gamma World
    Psi World
    Star Frontiers
    Warhammer Fantasy
    D6 (Star Wars, Fantasy)

    In the past we always used to come back to D&D, because that was where we all started.

    A couple years ago, I put Savage Worlds into my Amazon Wish List on a whim. My brother got it for me, and my group has been hooked ever since. We've run an Iron Kingdoms game with it (magic and mecha), and now I'm running a weekly Gamma World/Warhammer 40K/Iron Kingdoms game with it through Fantasy Grounds. The system is fantastic for any setting, and definitely fits our style of play (cinematic combat, minimal record keeping and number crunching).

    We love it.

  7. #87


    The systems that I am running now are Savage worlds and Hollow earth expedition(New but great game).

    The ones that I mostly own or have played are every version of DnD,d20 modern, James bond(Old but I liked it), Conan TSR version, Paranoia fifth edition, Shadowrun, Middle Earth, GURPS, Star wars d20 and d6(much rather play d6, great system), Battle tech,Soveriegn stone(Original System), Fading suns Second edition not d20, Warhammer Fantasy. Hmmmm.... Now that I think about it I own all the books too lol.

  8. #88
    Doswelk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Surrey, UK
    Savage Worlds! (I do declare I see a theme here!)
    GMed Necessary Evil
    Playing Rippers
    Planning to GM Shaintar

    Prior to that it was D20 Modern.
    Dark Matter all the way!

    Prior to that Alternity
    Dark Matter!

    Others have been:

    D&D, AD&D 1st Edition, AD&D 2nd Edition, Paranoia (2nd Edition), Star Wars (D6), SLA Industries, Judge Dredd (D20 and original), Call of Cthulu, FASA Star Trek
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

    Get Savage
    Ultimate License Holder.
    First GM to post a game for the original FG Con!

  9. #89
    Guess I'll need to add my list here:

    DND (Basic, Expert, 1st, 2nd, Some 3.5, now 4th)

    Twilight 2000

    Top Secret (1st and SI)


    Marvel Super Heroes

    DC Heroes

    Gamma World (Old Edition)

    Deadlands (1st Edition.. just a few games)

  10. #90
    Fantasy Games Unlimited Villains & Vigilantes 2.0
    Call of Cthulhu

    Does anyone know if V&V or Chill can be played on here?

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