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  1. #1

    Faiths & Avatars - reskinning gods question

    I'm reskinning the gods from Faiths & Avatars for a home brew world, which involves changing any references to Forgotten Realms. I want to change the default NWP from "Religion (Faerūnian)" to "Religion (Hanin)" but I can't see where the character is receiving "Religion (Faerūnian)" from.

    Any clues?

  2. #2
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Might help if you say which deity in particular you are looking at. At a guess, it is probably in the class information under Skills where it is being added from. You should just be able to drag/drop the skill in the master list and the edit the copy to be more what you'd like. But, this is without getting to the computer and looking.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  3. #3
    Thanks for responding.

    I've copied all the priest specialty priest into another group so they are editable.

    Picking "Glyphscribe (Deneir)" as an example, in the text description it says
    "All clerics, specialty priests, and monks of Deneir receive religion (Faerūnian) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency.".

    In my copy I amend this to
    "All clerics, specialty priests, and monks of Deneir receive religion (Hanin) as a bonus nonweapon proficiency."

    I looked at the NWP on the Advance tab and it is empty.

    The Proficiencies & Spells of the class show a bonus NWP of 'Read/Write'.

    Based on this, when I add the class to a character, I would only expect the NWP 'Read/Write' to appear but it is still adding 'religion (Faerūnian)'
    Priest NWP.jpg

    Hopefully that makes sense

  4. #4
    JohnD's Avatar
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    Got it. Here's how to resolve.

    1. Open your copy of the class.
    2. Go to the Advance tab (right side).
    3. Click on the Level 1 line under ADVACEMENT.
    4. Click on the Skills tab of the popup window.
    5. Change the Skill to what you want it to read.
    "I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship in my own way, free to stand for what I think right, free to oppose what I believe wrong, or free to choose those who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom I pledge to uphold for myself and all mankind."

    - John Diefenbaker

    RIP Canada, February 21, 2022

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnD View Post
    Got it. Here's how to resolve.

    1. Open your copy of the class.
    2. Go to the Advance tab (right side).
    3. Click on the Level 1 line under ADVACEMENT.
    4. Click on the Skills tab of the popup window.
    5. Change the Skill to what you want it to read.

    That did it! Thanks for taking the time to help out, really appreciated.
    I thought they were just lines of information and hadn't realised there were more options behind them.


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