Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #71
    SlikMaps / SlikPix has uploaded to the forge 6 sets of Core Rules starship maps, 2 sets of Traveller alien pog tokens, and the Space Combat Map, created to help track ship to ship combat or other local space travel.

    The artist behind Slik is PZane, a graphic designer, coder and reclusive traveller...

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by pzane View Post
    SlikMaps / SlikPix has uploaded to the forge 6 sets of Core Rules starship maps, 2 sets of Traveller alien pog tokens, and the Space Combat Map, created to help track ship to ship combat or other local space travel.

    The artist behind Slik is PZane, a graphic designer, coder and reclusive traveller...
    Interested. These look useful, but we really need larger/more detailed pics to be able to see what we are getting.

  3. #73

    SlikMaos Traveller Ships / Soace Combat Map

    Quote Originally Posted by RustyInRT View Post
    Interested. These look useful, but we really need larger/more detailed pics to be able to see what we are getting.
    We have updated the forge items with some still shots taken from within FG

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