Dungeons & Dragons 2024 Core Rulebooks Pre-Order
  1. #1

    Epic Legacy Core Rulebook -- FGU

    I just finished putting the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook into Fantasy Grounds Unity. It took me 2 months of work to get it done, but it is finished. That being said, since the company is not officially releasing it on FGU, this is only for myself. Maybe eventually it will be released for Fantasy Grounds. Never the less, there are some things that I would like to add to the Fantasy Grounds version. I would really like to have most of the spells and feats and things like that automated. Unfortunately, I am not very well versed in doing that for Fantasy Grounds. So, I would be willing to pay someone to go through the Spells and Feats, Character Classes and look at automating as much as possible (i.e. like Rob Twohy's Automated Effects packages etc. etc.). So, if anyone is interested in earning a little extra money, reply to this post, or send me a direct message. I would also add that if you have a group that is going to be going into Epic Level territory, I would highly recommend the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook (https://store.2cgaming.com/products/...e-rulebook-pdf), and just check out the 2cgaming website in general. They have a great amount of material for Epic Levels, and their material truly is EPIC!!

    Brian B.

  2. #2
    The only product I know that really add an epic feeling to 5E, and one of the very few instances of a product containing single-NPC bosses capable of challenging minimaxed PC parties. I really wished it was ported to FGU

  3. #3
    I completely agree. Some of the other Epic supplements are not too bad, but this one is just head and shoulders above the others. As you said, the NPC bosses are truly Epic. Not to mention, the Epic spells in this book are literally world ending spells. The stuff truly of the gods. Needless to say, I would love to see 2CGaming convert all of their 5e supplements into Fantasy Grounds.

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