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  1. #211
    How do I filter so that it only shows Player accessible mods? There used to be an option in FGC to automatically assign all mods as either Player accessible or GM-only (by hitting the green or red button respectively in the search bar). FGU does not have that function (either that or I can't figure out where it is). I'm hoping to use your extension to sort it and then just run off/on what I need.

  2. #212
    This extension seems to work well for most of the things in the 13th Age Ruleset. It doesn't add any additional search functionality to Feats or Powers.

    That ruleset unfortunately isn't free though. I don't know if you just need the names of things to add functionality if you find the time, but I thought I'd share just in case.

    This extension is extraordinarily helpful. Thank you for your work.

  3. #213
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProfDogg View Post
    How do I filter so that it only shows Player accessible mods? There used to be an option in FGC to automatically assign all mods as either Player accessible or GM-only (by hitting the green or red button respectively in the search bar). FGU does not have that function (either that or I can't figure out where it is). I'm hoping to use your extension to sort it and then just run off/on what I need.
    Sorry, but FFAL doesn’t work with the modules library.

  4. #214
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nebs View Post
    This extension seems to work well for most of the things in the 13th Age Ruleset. It doesn't add any additional search functionality to Feats or Powers.

    That ruleset unfortunately isn't free though. I don't know if you just need the names of things to add functionality if you find the time, but I thought I'd share just in case.

    This extension is extraordinarily helpful. Thank you for your work.
    I know nothing about 13th Age, and I not particularly keen on purchasing it.
    But that might not preclude me from supporting the additional functionality you’re looking for.
    I have some special troubleshooting routines built into FFAL. Let me take a look at augmenting them so that by employing them you can provide info to me that might help us get more functionality into FFAL specific to 13th Age.
    I’m kind of busy with some other things so this might be a drawn out process.

  5. #215
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulric View Post
    It's free except for the rulesets but not the published rulebooks. I currently own every Starfinder rulebook that has been published. I would be happy try and provide you with any information you might need to add Starfinder support to your extension.
    I apologize for the long delay to respond. Another user has asked that I support 13th Age. I’ll see what I can do to help both of you.
    As I told Nebs, I’m a bit busy now so this will be a drawn out process.

  6. #216
    Thank you! I really appreciate the offer.

    I'm not very fond of the way things are sorted in that system so I'd really appreciate the help of your extension.

    I'd be happy to chip in however I can when you have the time.

  7. #217
    I think the latest update broke FFAL

  8. #218
    It looks like the latest update 8/29 is having problems with this ext. When I click on a button on the right, when the window pops up it's blank.

    When I disabled the ext it works.

  9. #219
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raddu View Post
    It looks like the latest update 8/29 is having problems with this ext. When I click on a button on the right, when the window pops up it's blank.
    I was afraid this might happen. One of my other extensions that manipulates the Recordset Libraries is also broken. I'm currently travelling and won't be able to address this until mid September.

  10. #220
    Can you add this EXT to the Forge?

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