Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #2531
    Quote Originally Posted by JGLinx2 View Post
    During our game session we have found a bug, none of the players or the game master's NPCs can bring the info for anything in their inventory. We can still access and modify the vehicles though. We have no extensions running.

    Attachment 56578

    As can be seen in the screenshot, the small phoenix symbol is not visible. Thank you for all the effort for this.
    I think I fixed it this time. It was still happening if the Star Wars theme was activated.
    Although I fixed, the party sheet background color is not right at the moment, if you keep the extension active.
    I will update the star wars theme later and let you all know when you can redownload, but the error message is gone

    Quote Originally Posted by JGLinx2 View Post
    Our group also got this error when opening the party sheet.
    I have just fixed this issue, please make sure to re-download both rulesets, by clicking "Check for updates"

    For now please disable it before opening the campaign, I will see if I can update it to make it work with recent FG updates
    Last edited by johniba; March 6th, 2023 at 23:48.

  2. #2532

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    Been away from this for a while, due to other games, but getting back to working on things.

    I have been experimenting with specialization trees (nothing is quite finished), but I noticed that the specialization tree is sort of greyed out when dropped on a character. Am I missing something?

    And how do you track which talents in the tree has been bought by a player?

  3. #2533
    Quote Originally Posted by viresanimi View Post
    Been away from this for a while, due to other games, but getting back to working on things.

    I have been experimenting with specialization trees (nothing is quite finished), but I noticed that the specialization tree is sort of greyed out when dropped on a character. Am I missing something?

    And how do you track which talents in the tree has been bought by a player?
    Hi Viresanimi,

    Here is a quick step by step

    1 - first in the specialization database, either create spec trees or download the module libraries Sevrick created
    2 - In the character sheet, when you add spec trees from the database and click/open the spec tree from the character, the spec tree will have all nodes greyed out meaning they are not active (character does not have talents there)
    3 - click the small empty box in the corner of a spec node/box and it will activate

    The ruleset is smart enough to also show the activated nodes as talents in the character talent list.

    I have created a video explaining how it works, the link is in the original post in this thread

  4. #2534

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Vendsyssel (Denmark)
    3 - click the small empty box in the corner of a spec node/box and it will activate
    That detail I missed. That's what happens when you're up in the middle ofr the night because you knee's are klling you and try to figure things out.

    That is a very neat way of doing things!

    Thank you

  5. #2535
    Hi, johniba!
    Found some bug when attempt to use /rolldicepool macros. It happening either from chat command or from hotkeyd macros.
    Thank you for wonderful your work!
    Last edited by Meldon; March 18th, 2023 at 04:15. Reason: misspelling

  6. #2536
    Hey - long time user, love the ruleset!

    I noticed if I change the size of the window, it will move the dice & combat tray, but if I expand, the dice don't re-set again.

    This causes the dice to randomly sit in the middle of the screen until I unlock them & move them. Just wondering if there's a way to redraw/redefine dice location on window size change.

  7. #2537
    Quote Originally Posted by Meldon View Post
    Hi, johniba!
    Found some bug when attempt to use /rolldicepool macros. It happening either from chat command or from hotkeyd macros.
    Thank you for wonderful your work!
    I will work on this, thanks for the report!

  8. #2538
    Quote Originally Posted by jasonthelamb View Post
    Hey - long time user, love the ruleset!

    I noticed if I change the size of the window, it will move the dice & combat tray, but if I expand, the dice don't re-set again.

    This causes the dice to randomly sit in the middle of the screen until I unlock them & move them. Just wondering if there's a way to redraw/redefine dice location on window size change.
    Can you give me the steps you are doing to resize? I will reproduce here and fix the issue.

  9. #2539
    Does anyone have any good Star Wars/Space theme extensions for FG? Been looking around but can’t find one!

  10. #2540
    Quote Originally Posted by seansps View Post
    Does anyone have any good Star Wars/Space theme extensions for FG? Been looking around but can’t find one!
    Hmm The only one we currently have specific for Star Wars is in the google drive (link in the original post in the first page or this thread)

    You could probably use other themes, most of them work with these two rulesets, but I cannot help much, as I havent tried many themes, sorry.

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