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  1. #41
    Here is a screen shot of the Character Sheet, Weapon and Roll. Damage should be 3D6+2 not 5D
    Strength plus 2.JPG
    Last edited by Travin72; August 27th, 2022 at 00:12.

  2. #42

  3. #43
    I seem to be having issues with the Character Sheet Working on D6. The new Dice Color add on is my suspicion for the problem as it seems to have broken other things. I had only started looking at using the system since the Update which is why I am uncertain as to why it's now broken. The NPC rolls work fine, but the Character Sheet doesn't seem to work at all. Error code is 77 something about Get Child.

  4. #44
    Updated Ruleset for upcoming FG patch. Please let me know if something is broken!

  5. #45
    Hi bayne.
    I recently downloaded the D6 Generic ruleset and I'm giving it a whirl. When trying to delete 'all foes' from the combat tracker it throws up an error message. I managed to track down and eliminate the error by removing some code from managercombat.lua , that needed to check a number value for the string wounds.
    Also..In your video explaining the various functions of the ruleset you show that you can add vehicles to the combat tracker yet when I tried to do it the combat tracker doesn't accept it. I did try to figure out if there was a simple fix in the scripts, but unfortunately I'm just starting out trying to understand lua. Is it fixable or was it a feature that was abandoned?
    Thanks for putting the ruleset out there and I appreciate any help/suggestions from anyone.

  6. #46

  7. #47

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by bayne7400 View Post
    Ok give it a shot
    That's perfect! Thanks. This ruleset is going to get plenty of use from our group.
    Much appreciated.

  9. #49
    No problem. it is a free ruleset so vehicles are not automated like they are on the paid stuff. Just keep that in mind.

  10. #50
    I have no idea where to post this as I rarely visit the forums. We were using this rules set to run our Star Wars D6 WEG game but the new update just made it unplayable (error screens etc)

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