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  1. #51
    Are there any images / pre-made maps for the sci-fi or spaceship sets? I see the image tools in the assets window, but I don't see sci fi or spaceship map pack modules a la the "Fantasy," "Mountain Top," and "Forest" map packs.

  2. #52
    Wondering if there's a way to determine which map packs are required for the "Saturday Streams" maps. I suspect they're great maps, but I don't have the dough to buy every art pack just to make sure I'm covered, and right now, I mostly see question marks for missing assets.

  3. #53
    ddavison's Avatar
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    That is a good question. Unfortunately, I don't know that there is a way to tell within FGU which art packs were used. I will bring this up in our meeting today to see if anyone has any ideas for addressing that. Josh normally indicates during the streams which art assets he is using. He does tend to use a wide variety of them from the Art Pack Subscription though. Those packs are mostly for people who have the subscription because it provides access to everything that has been released to date.


  4. #54
    Any plans for new Art Pack bundles to be released, like the Art Pack 2019 (which looks great)?

    P.S. Also, could you advise a an (approximate) maximum number of assets to be used in one map?
    According to the store, demo accounts don't appear to have the free basic images included in their software, so every image I place will require some bandwidth - even if the FG assets by Joshua are designed to be bandwidth-light.
    Last edited by Alcatar; January 27th, 2023 at 14:21.
    Finland (GMT+2)

  5. #55
    Is there a way to create your own brushes and art packs? Or does a player have to work within the art packs released through FG? Like I want to make a desert map, do I have to subscribe or purchase a FG art pack, or could I create the elements and assets to create my own?

  6. #56
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RavenSaint View Post
    Is there a way to create your own brushes and art packs? Or does a player have to work within the art packs released through FG? Like I want to make a desert map, do I have to subscribe or purchase a FG art pack, or could I create the elements and assets to create my own?
    Yes, you can create your own stuff. You just need some expertise in whatever your favourite art package is.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  7. #57
    ddavison's Avatar
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    You can use any art asset that you want for your brushes. Just place the images somewhere in your images folder or your campaign's data folder and you can refresh the assets display to get them to show up under either data or campaign. If you have a set you are happy with, you can use the /export option to make those into a module that you can reference from any campaign in the future, or even to eventually distribute or sell on the FG Forge.

    These two parts of the wiki should guide you:



  8. #58
    I am actually going to be covering this in my upcoming stream this Saturday, 4/15/23. I will be going over some image creation practices as well as the usage of said images inside the FGU image workspace. I stream at 3 pm Eastern time on Saturdays on all art-related FGU usage and such.

  9. #59
    In my opinion these single maps. Yes, they are single map cut into 9 pieces. Are a massive rip off. One map digitally for 10 bucks. even the sale price is absurd. You can find bundles of maps for free for a few bucks. And those I can use outside the program. Don't slap your customers in the face with these crazy prices. most u should charge is 2 dollars for one of these. that is before a sale. The price to design this map. Are you trying to make 1000 an hour of work?

  10. #60
    For any artist's work you are not paying for the 30 minutes of time it takes them to create the piece. You are paying for the thousands of hours that went into learning how to do it in the 30 minutes.

    The Art Pack subscription costs $50 per year and currently has at least 72 different map packs in it. So you are only paying $.70 per map pack. Smite Works currently values all the items combined at $725.28 with the current summer sale running the day of these posts. That cost will go up after the sale is complete.

    By your standard that is a very good deal, less than half of what you said they should charge.
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