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Thread: Spell Adders?

  1. #1

    Spell Adders?

    What's the trick to getting spell adders to work? I created a +1 spell adder ring, put it in a characters inventory and it is equipped. But I don't see it show up under the adders circle above power points. Help?

  2. #2
    A couple things need to happen for a spell adder to work.
    1. The item needs the Spell Adder field set with the number of the adder so 1 in your example of a +1 spell adder.
    2. The character needs to equip the spell adder on the Combat tab in the Spell Adder/PP Multiplier field.
    3. It should now show up with a 1 in the circle on the top right of the Max PP field on the Main tab.

    Which part isn't working because I just tested it and it is working for me?


  3. #3

  4. #4
    Hey there, I got the adder to work by equipping it, but when I create an item and put 2 in the PP multiplier and make the realm the same as the character, when I equip it, it does not multiply the max PP. Am I doing something wrong?

  5. #5
    I just tested it and it is working for me. It works like the spell adders with how it is equipped on the combat tab like I explained in post #2. A couple differences:
    * PP Multiplier field is filled in instead of the Spell Adder field.
    * The PP Max will have the multiplier value next to the label and the field will be multiplied by the value in the PP Multiplier field.

    Hopefully that helps.

  6. #6
    Ok, I did all of that. I copied an item (ring) and then changed the PP multiplier to 2, equipped it in the combat tab, and the PP says (x2) yet the max PP value does not multiply, I have included screenshots, thanks.


  7. #7
    What PP options are you using?

    Do you have a level besides 0 for the character?

    Can you provide me the campaign and tell me which character it is?

  8. #8
    Ok, that's it "Auto calculate Power Points" must be on, which is unfortunate.

    BTW, how exactly does Auto Calculate Power Points work?

  9. #9
    How is it unfortunate? If you want the ruleset to auto calculate the field then it would need to overwrite anything manually put in the field. Using just one field for max PP means that either the users will need to fill in the value manually or the ruleset will fill in the field.

    Auto Calculate: Max Power Points will determine the max PP based on the other PP options that have been selected and it will calculate the value for you. There are options for bonus based PP, power point development, base power points and even the RM Companion 1 options for using linear or smooth stat bonuses and very high stat bonuses. The Auto Calculate: Max Power Points option is there in case the GM is using something that isn't in the options since RM has so many optional rules.

  10. #10
    It's only unfortunate because I try and have FGU automate as much as possible, it's nice that as soon as you unequip an adder or multiplier, it recalculates the PP total for you without having to do it manually. It would be nice if it just multiplied whatever value you had in the PP box even if you had Auto Calc turned off (since this generally only changes from level to level). No biggee though.

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