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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by TMO View Post
    I'm not a content creator so I'm somewhat oblivious to the fallout of the OGL 1.1 but I have been watching YouTubers discuss this with interest. I have yet to find anybody simply engaging in clickbait and everyone is taking a measured approach with their speculation. My main concern is OneD&D itself. The trend of the new rules and push toward digital gaming has greatly disinterested me and for the first time since the introduction of D&D Next and D&D Fifth Edition, I am choosing not to continue buying every product that comes out (which means hardbound, D&D Beyond, and FG). I think I'm what would be considered a "whale" and very soon I'll become a barely more than a guppy. Old School and independent products are now becoming very interesting to me.
    There are a lot of great alternatives.

  2. #12
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    A big and successful D&D seems to be good for the industry in that in brings more players in. Nothing else has the lure or familiarity or brand recognition to newcomers or outsiders that D&D has. But after that - it is bad that half or more of all RPG dollars go to 5E and 5E products.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    I dont believe they can revoke earlier licenses. They can release new licenses but products released under license X are released under license X.
    OGL 1.0 states, "4. Grant and Consideration. In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content." (Wizards of the Coast, System Reference Document 5.1, at 2.) A 'perpetual' license has no express end date but may be revoked in the future. An 'irrevocable' license can't be revoked. Since the OGL 1.0 doesn't state the license is 'irrevocable' and only 'perpetual,' they can revoke it. (Source: me. My day job is practicing law.)

    The section you quoted muddies the water a little because it doesn't explain what an 'authorized' version is, but WotC will likely say OGL 1.0 is no longer "authorized" due to revocation of the license.

    According to Gizmodo, language in OGL 1.1 states as follows: “[This license] only allows for creation of roleplaying games and supplements in printed media and static electronic file formats. It does not allow for anything else, including but not limited to things like videos, virtual tabletops or VTT campaigns, computer games, novels, apps, graphics novels, music, songs, dances, and pantomimes. You may engage in these activities only to the extent allowed under the Wizards of the Coast Fan Content Policy or separately agreed between You and Us.” Unless they create a separate OGL specifically for virtual tabletops, this language plus the revocation of OGL 1.0 creates a serious problem for Roll20 and the like. I assume FG will enter a separate agreement if it's going to offer the new content in the same manner as it did with the 5E WotC publications.

  4. #14
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    Fantasy Grounds doesnt use the OGL for the vast bulk of its D&D products. The vast bulk of the D&D products are licensed directly from WotC. SmiteWorks have a license or contract or an agreement directly with WotC/Hasbro. That is for 5E and 2E.

  5. #15
    This thread here by Morrus neatly breaks it all down. The inital leaks and reports I was VERY skeptical of, simply because of how badly things were phrased, and I couldn't imagine WotC and Hasbro burning nearly an entire industry down. Now it looks like the large brush strokes of the leaks and reports might be true, and it's possibly worse than anyone could have thought.

    The worrisome bit of this is that there are quite a few Open Source licenses that the OGL was based on (from 2000). And AFAIK the only one that has really gotten close to being tested in court is the GPL, back in 2007. They since have added "irrevocable" to the license. But a few haven't been updated. IF Hasbro attempts to "deauthorize" v1.0 & v1.0a with v1.1 (and as a software person, the changes are enough that it SHOULD be v2.0, it's not an expansion or clarification of the previous versions) it WILL get challenged in court. And if Hasbro wins, that precedent can be used in the tech industry to try and claw back other open licenses. That is something I'd be interested on hearing Doug and John's opinion on.


  6. #16

    The future of D&D

    I really don't have a sophisticated insight into what is going on with the future of D&D. Suffice to say, I've invested ££££ in FG content from Steam and DMG and I've no intention on giving up on that investment. I have all the materials to have a great time playing D&D already, so why would I want to change it? I just hope the FG community continues to thrive in the wake of One D&D, etc. Which I won't be investing in.

    I apologise if my insight into this is limited.

  7. #17
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    All of those use the OGL. All of the Pathfinder materials here uses the OGL.

    The new 1.1 says VTT is forbidden under it and that the old one is null and void.

    Seems that there is plenty of content here to worry about.
    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. Mgpotter.com. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling. https://billing.purevpn.com/aff.php?aff=33044

  8. #18
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    Even if the OGL goes away and there is some new anti-competitive license that replaces it, it wont affect already published products.

  9. #19
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    If the OGL is unauthorized, it is possible that no new sales will be allowed. Or maybe no new conversions of existing items will be allowed.

    It certainly would not allow new material not already written as that needs to be under the OGL 1.1 and VTT is forbidden.

    Now maybe Smiteworks has a special deal like Doug cut to get 5e (and 2e) and is all NDAed up and cannot discuss it, but it certainly is a threat and the majority of “D&D” material here (Pathfinder being D&D as well) is under the OGL.
    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. Mgpotter.com. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling. https://billing.purevpn.com/aff.php?aff=33044

  10. #20
    My thought is wait until it actually exists in non-leaked fashion. For all we know the current leak could be from months ago or it might be the final draft or it might be total fiction. Until there is a final release then we cannot say for certain what it says. We have to go on a document of unknown origin and date that is backed up by unnamed sources. By accounts the reporter that released the information is reputable so it probably is what it says but who knows what it will look like when released.

    If it is the doomsday scrolls more than likely Paizo will file an instant legal attack on 1.1, they'll likely be joined in a class action by whomever is producing anything under the existing OGL, request an injunction against 1.1 and then go on life as usual while everyone slugs it out in court for the next ten years. In the interim publishers can decide to continue tying themselves to Hasbro or go out and make better games and materials of their own design.

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