5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    5E - What outside ("standard") tokens/records can be copied into a module for sale?

    I read through docs I found in the last couple days but I kiond of recall once reading about this specific topic. Is there a link for the answers?

    When creating a 5E module for sale through Smiteworks (or Forge, if that differs) - what records can be copied in from other sources? For example, NPC monsters and tokens from "5E SRD Bestiary" and of course spells or whatever from the other 5E SRDs.

    Are there any other Smitworks-supplied assets that are permissioned for retail products?
    I hope to get some custom tokens from the publisher, but until then in my draft I am using "letter tokens" I got from SmiteWork's SRD assets.

  2. #2
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    You can use the letter tokens that comes with Fantasy Grounds.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  3. #3
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    OK - those are the ones in the 5E XXXX SRD, correct? (I assume there are other modules with them)
    And therefore, by extension - if I had some "spider" creature, I could use the token from "Giant Spider" from the same SW 5E SRD, correct?

    Because my more general question was - is copying records and image/tokens/ from the SRDs OK to make conversions for the store. Are there any other modules that come with or have been given from SW, made by SW during FGU KS or any other time that can be copied int/imported for use in these conversions?

    I thought I recall reading in some dev doc somewhere the procedure and rule-of-thumb for this.

  4. #4
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    I think you can only use the letter tokens. Yes, the ones that appear in the SRD. I don't think you can use any of the others.

    The letter tokens are from Smiteworks. You can't use any other tokens especially not any that appear in any other module - whether from WotC or anywhere else.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  5. #5
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    OK - so I should then go through the module replacing all "regular SRD Monsters" with letter tokens?

    For example, I copied a "Dire Wolf" from SRD to the module and it brought with it it's token (questions at end):
    					<bonus type="number">-2</bonus>
    					<score type="number">7</score>
    					<bonus type="number">2</bonus>
    					<score type="number">15</score>
    					<bonus type="number">2</bonus>
    					<score type="number">15</score>
    					<bonus type="number">-4</bonus>
    					<score type="number">3</score>
    					<bonus type="number">3</bonus>
    					<score type="number">17</score>
    					<bonus type="number">1</bonus>
    					<score type="number">12</score>
    			<ac type="number">14</ac>
    			<actext type="string">(natural armor)</actext>
    					<desc type="string">Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.</desc>
    					<name type="string">Bite</name>
    			<alignment type="string">unaligned</alignment>
    			<bonusactions />
    			<cr type="string">1</cr>
    			<damagethreshold type="number">0</damagethreshold>
    			<hd type="string">(5d10 + 10)</hd>
    			<hp type="number">37</hp>
    			<innatespells />
    			<isidentified type="number">0</isidentified>
    			<lairactions />
    			<languages type="string">-</languages>
    			<legendaryactions />
    			<name type="string">Dire Wolf</name>
    			<nonid_name type="string">Huge Wolf</nonid_name>
    			<reactions />
    			<senses type="string">passive Perception 13</senses>
    			<size type="string">Large</size>
    			<skills type="string">Perception +3, Stealth +4</skills>
    			<speed type="string">50 ft.</speed>
    			<spells />
    			<text type="formattedtext">
    				<p />
    			<token type="token">tokens/direwolf.png@DD5E SRD Bestiary</token>
    					<desc type="string">The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.</desc>
    					<name type="string">Keen Hearing and Smell</name>
    					<desc type="string">The wolf has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.</desc>
    					<name type="string">Pack Tactics</name>
    			<type type="string">beast</type>
    			<xp type="number">200</xp>
    Does this mean:
    0. You can use the Smiteworks Letter Tokens for any monsters SRD or adventure-specific.
    1. You must remove tokens from any imported SRD monsters?
    2. Can you use a "giantspider" token with a monster in the adventure that is a giant spider with changed stats?
    3. Can you use an "elk" token with a monster in the module described as a "Moose (use Elk stats)" ?

    Sorry if I am obtuse, this is my first time for something out-facing.

  6. #6
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    I think you can only use the letter tokens. Yes, the ones that appear in the SRD. I don't think you can use any of the others.
    Which would mean, if you cannot use, let’s say “giant spider.png” for a Giant Spider MPB in your modules, that you’d then be better off not following recommended procedures and just directly referencing the monster in the SRD? That seems counter intuitive.

    My guess on my questions is:
    0 = true
    1 = false? (I expect you CAN use it at the very least as long as you use it ‘as is’ and not using for a “new” creature.)
    2 = probably false see #1
    3 = No clue seems like if you changed no stats it’s just like changing the name by taste but…

  7. #7
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    If you are creating a module and using the SRD NPCs you should make a copy of the NPC and include that copy in your campaign. You will then need to allocate a letter token to that copy. To do that you’ll need to unzip the letter tokens module and place the tokens inside a folder called tokens inside your campaign. You’ll then need to drag the appropriate token from the campaign bag inside assets/tokens to the NPC.

    Tokens attached to copied NPCs don’t get exported with the NPC.

    Adventure modules (I assume this is an adventure module), should be stand alone and all of the items, NPCs etc should be in the module and should not need any other module open to use it.
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

  8. #8
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zacchaeus View Post
    If you are creating a module and using the SRD NPCs you should make a copy of the NPC and include that copy in your campaign. You will then need to allocate a letter token to that copy. To do that you’ll need to unzip the letter tokens module and place the tokens inside a folder called tokens inside your campaign. You’ll then need to drag the appropriate token from the campaign bag inside assets/tokens to the NPC.

    Tokens attached to copied NPCs don’t get exported with the NPC.

    Adventure modules (I assume this is an adventure module), should be stand alone and all of the items, NPCs etc should be in the module and should not need any other module open to use it.

    Thank you Zacchaeus! This is not what I expected/assumed (that the copied to Adventure SRD monsters with tokens should be replaced with Letters part), I am extremely thankful for your clearing the up for me prior to my completing my "request for tokens" to FGG the folks. It just struck me as weird that every adventure that uses a "brown bear" for example will supply their own art for it even though they are using the same SRD as other companies. BUT, I get it - the images are NOT part of the SRD.

    Which is why I asked this stuff - I am such a layman to this stuff that I had no idea what is "available" and what is IP not allowed to be used by "third parties".

    TLDR; -> Only thing one can use token wise that is supplied by Smiteworks or SRD is the "letter tokens" currently packed in the SRD. To use them, I need to unpack the letter tokens module and place those tokens directly in my campaign.

    Thanks again. Back to the drawing board (virtually speaking, I can't do art - I mean the repackaging of the module - the tokens I will request from THEIR art team hehe)

  9. #9
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    To be safe, posting here. PLEASE holler if any of these are NOT legal for adventures sold on Smiteworks site (assuming will be "regular" but with new Forge thing, dunno - FGG folks will figure it out)

  10. #10
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varsuuk View Post
    To be safe, posting here. PLEASE holler if any of these are NOT legal for adventures sold on Smiteworks site (assuming will be "regular" but with new Forge thing, dunno - FGG folks will figure it out)
    Sorry, no. My bad I thought the SRD used the Smitewokrs letter tokens but apparently not. You can't use those tokens; those are only usable in official WotC products. The letter tokens that you can use are in the image below.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here https://www.fantasygrounds.com/featu...rerequests.php

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