Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Cyberpunk setting for SWADE?

    Hi people. How are you doing? What's a good cyberpunk setting/supplement to run with SWADE? Any of them available on the FGU store?
    That's pretty much it. Curious about how well SWADE does Cyberpunk style. Thanks!

  2. #2
    There's 2 cyberpunk DLCs available; Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095 and Sprawlrunners. Interface Zero 3.0 is more of complete setting with coverage of World locations and 5 included adventures, while Sprawlrunners is more of a toolkit/supplement. As well, if you're willing to use a companion that was originally published for Savage Worlds Deluxe, the Science Fiction Companion (I use it with SWADE without problems) also has the cybernetic implants common to cyberpunk. Both the SFC and IZ3 have content for Mecha (called Walkers in the SFC and Golemmechs in IZ3) if you're wanting to run a more anime flavor of cyberpunk.

    As I was one of the setting writers for Interface Zero 2.0, I'm not going to comment on which of the 3 is the better. I'll just say that you could homebrew a quality cyberpunk campaign with any of the 3, but the SFC might leave you wanting more tools.
    Last edited by kronovan; December 21st, 2022 at 04:29.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by kronovan View Post
    As I was one of the setting writers for Interface Zero 2.0, I'm not going to comment on which of the 3 is the better. .
    Well, shoot - that's one of my favorite source books ever - how awesome!

    Quote Originally Posted by Chudstar View Post
    Hi people. How are you doing? What's a good cyberpunk setting/supplement to run with SWADE? Any of them available on the FGU store?
    That's pretty much it. Curious about how well SWADE does Cyberpunk style. Thanks!
    All three options are great, I would add that Sprawlrunners has options for magic, making it similar to Shadowrun in that respect. IntefaceZero has psionics, and otherwise stays sort of close to Cyberpunk Red (though both comparisons fall apart in different areas).

    Personally, I think SWADE is a great option for anything with gunplay and sci-fi - so any options are great.
    Games Running:
    WePF Second Darkness (Pathfinder 1e)
    Raven's Purge - Saturdays (Forbidden Lands)
    SavageWorlds Sci-Fi Sundays (SWADE)
    Savage Worlds Gameday Thursdays (SWADE)

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by kronovan View Post
    There's 2 cyberpunk DLCs available; Interface Zero 3.0 Players Guide to 2095 and Sprawlrunners. Interface Zero 3.0 is more of complete setting with coverage of World locations and 5 included adventures, while Sprawlrunners is more of a toolkit/supplement. As well, if you're willing to use a companion that was originally published for Savage Worlds Deluxe, the Science Fiction Companion (I use it with SWADE without problems) also has the cybernetic implants common to cyberpunk. Both the SFC and IZ3 have content for Mecha (called Walkers in the SFC and Golemmechs in IZ3) if you're wanting to run a more anime flavor of cyberpunk.
    Thanks! Can you run the Interface Zero 3.0 setting only with the Players guide to 2095? I thought because of the name it only had the character creation options and that's it.
    I will definitely take a look at those.

    Quote Originally Posted by srbongo View Post
    All three options are great, I would add that Sprawlrunners has options for magic, making it similar to Shadowrun in that respect. IntefaceZero has psionics, and otherwise stays sort of close to Cyberpunk Red (though both comparisons fall apart in different areas).

    Personally, I think SWADE is a great option for anything with gunplay and sci-fi - so any options are great.
    Thank for the heads-up. Yes, I'm currently playing Deadlands and SWADE became already my favorite system, so I'm thinking of running all kind of settings on it. And when I grow more experienced, probably do my own setting.
    Last edited by Chudstar; December 21st, 2022 at 14:23.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Chudstar View Post
    Thanks! Can you run the Interface Zero 3.0 setting only with the Players guide to 2095? I thought because of the name it only had the character creation options and that's it.
    The title is misleading. The DLC actually contains 2 modules; 1 for Players and 1 for the GM. So you get everything you need to run a campaign. It's equivalent in content to the printed book or PDF with the same name - 70 pages is dedicated solely to Gamemastering.

    [Edit] And then there's the "for what it costs" factor - you can buy all 3 DLCs for about the price of 1 setting book for most other RPGs available for fantasy grounds. Owning all 3 would allow you to run any flavor or convolution of cyberpunk your brain could imagine. Want to wage the spaceship battles of Roy Batty's "attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion" - you're covered. Want to set adventures in a gritty, cyberpunk city of the far future like Reynold's Chasm City - you're covered. Want to run an adventure for a party of runners that includes a magic wielding Street Shaman or Technomancer - you're covered. Not to mention that the SFC includes a bestiary of 100 Aliens, Xenomorphs and NPCs.
    Last edited by kronovan; December 21st, 2022 at 19:13.

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