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  1. #71
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi spencerg,

    The Abilities (STR, DEX, etc) on Front Page are locked but not the Abilities lists on Abilities tab. Is there anything in there that players break?
    Proficiency should be locked.

  2. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Hi spencerg,

    The Abilities (STR, DEX, etc) on Front Page are locked but not the Abilities lists on Abilities tab. Is there anything in there that players break?
    Proficiency should be locked.
    Hi Damned,

    Should have clarified, I mean the abilities (str/dex) ect on front page. When i disable MN ui extensions the ability lock seems to work (even if i can’t see it in the ui i console command it /pclock

    My biggest issue however is the proficiencies. I have a clean install, and i’ve tested with no extensions multiple times, and still i am able to toggle the proficiency (stars) on/off ect.

    Is there any difference between me as a DM tested vs client? no matter what i do, it has never worked for me regarding proficiencies. It’s so easy to tick/untuck the star and break the character.. that’s why i prefer to have it locked.

    thank you for your hardwork

  3. #73

  4. #74
    You fixed Proficiencies

    However, I can still edit Abilities and toggle proficiency for saves

    Its mad nomads u.i. extensions causing this.
    I am a developer myself, and I tried poking around at the extension to see if i could hack a fix into it...but your extension doesnt appear in the extensions folder ? (just genuinely curious why)

    In any event, here is the image - circled is the editable inputs I can modify.
    I disabled MN character sheet edits, and sure enough, that solved the ability score being editable.
    The only thing I'd ask for other than compatibility with MN character sheet, is too Lock the proficiency input next to saves.

    Thank you Damned!

    PS. I use world builder and love it, great extension!

    Screenshot 2022-12-16 150239.jpg

  5. #75

  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Ive pushed another build.

    Awesome! Thank you very much

  7. #77
    Was there a version that didn't have "Trust Issues" in the filename? I have it twice in my extension selection, and have it once through the Forge, but cannot find the second instance that is being loaded...

  8. #78
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roach View Post
    Was there a version that didn't have "Trust Issues" in the filename? I have it twice in my extension selection, and have it once through the Forge, but cannot find the second instance that is being loaded...
    I dont believe so. AFAICR it was only ever available on the forge.
    Ahhh - there is now two builds in the same package. The second one is supposed to show up as 5E Trust issues - Alt and it just places the lock in a different position. Ill try and fix that naming. Thanks for pointing it out.

  9. #79

  10. #80
    Yes. it now shows up with the "Alt" tag.
    TBH, I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't had issues with other extensions that I originally got from DMG and later were moved to the Forge, so checked the whole list of "unused extensions" as well... (I don't have players that change their char sheets around, so there's no need for the extension for me.)

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