Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
  1. #1

    Multiple issues when connecting to GM's game

    Hi all. Today as part of FG Con I participated as a player in several FGU games. It was a lot of fun but I had several problems that came up. First of all, I was unable to see most of the images shared by the GM. This included battlemaps, handouts, portraits, etc. Nearly every image would appear as a red x with a question mark or just a "blank" page with nothing on it.

    Additionally, after a while the chat "froze" (though I could send messages and make rolls without seeing the result). The party inventory and the comabt tracker also froze. At some points I was unable to view my character sheet. The other players and the GM would see me as having selected my character, but the character sheet would not appear for me.

    Resetting fantasy grounds, restarting my computer, and updating fantasy grounds appeared to have no effect

    Oddly enough, my second game was perfectly fine and the third game was alright at the beginning of the session (though the above mentioned problems soon returned).

    Thankfully, everyone was very supportive and helpful and we found ways to work around the problems by screen sharing the maps and having the gm/other players move my token for me.

    As an additional note, I have run several games on FG nearly a year now with nearly no issues like this happening. I have only had a couple instances of problems with sharing images with my players in the last few weeks or so (and usually only 1 image, the rest were fine) - but nothing like having players be unable to roll or view character sheets, or "freezes" that last over the course of a multi-hour session.

    I have attached some pictures of the problems and have logs from a couple of the sessions if needed. Note the "frozen chat" picture was during combat. There were enemies in the CT and several rolls had just been made
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Did you, at each table you connected to load the required modules for the ruleset you are playing?

    The rest sounds like connection issues and download speeds. The red X on maps usually means it is loading and if other players didn't have these issues maybe it is your firewall/anti virus or some ISP issue.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminimonka View Post
    Did you, at each table you connected to load the required modules for the ruleset you are playing?

    The rest sounds like connection issues and download speeds. The red X on maps usually means it is loading and if other players didn't have these issues maybe it is your firewall/anti virus or some ISP issue.
    Yes, I loaded any modules the GM told me to load. Sometimes, I didn't load any if I wasn't asked to, but for one of the tables at least, that didn't seem to cause any issues - played through that one with no problems.

    Regarding connection issues and download speeds as a potentional root cause, does this mean that the reason I have not had these issues before is that I was always GM (and thus the content is on my local machine)?

  4. #4
    Zacchaeus's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    Yes. There's a difference between being a DM and a player. As DM most of the traffic is going out from your computer but as a player it's all coming in and this is something that your anti virus or firewall will possibly see as suspicious activity. Here's a coup[le of articles for you to work through.


    If there is something that you would like to see in Fantasy Grounds that isn't currently part of the software or if there is something you think would improve a ruleset then add your idea here

  5. #5
    Thank you Jiminimonka and Zacchaeus. I will read through those articles. Hopefully I can figure out how to keep this from happening again

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