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  1. #1

    5E - Ammo Manager

    Forge Page:

    This D&D 5E extension allows players to link an ammo entry in their inventory to the ammo a weapon uses in the actions tab of their character sheet. The linked ammo's count will be automatically changed in the actions tab when it is increased or decreased in the inventory, and - upon ammo recovery - will update the inventory's ammo count accordingly.

    Ammo bundles (i.e. "Arrows (20)" ) are handled correctly, and ammo will only be removed from the inventory in batches of the number listed in the item's name (20 in this case). The remainder will stay ticked in the actions tab (future recoveries will not take into account the remainder from a previous recovery. For this reason, it is recommended you adjust the bundle amount in your inventory manually after a recovery, or you use ammo singles).

    An added house rule setting allows you to pick between 25%, 50% (default), 75%, and 100% ammo recovery.

    In order to be correctly linked, an item record must be in the players inventory and must have the subtype "Ammunition". The copy of the record that exists in the inventory must be dragged onto the empty link space on the actions tab next to the ammo count for the weapon you want to link it to. Multiple weapons can share the same ammo entry in the inventory, and their checkboxes will be synced. Two new radial menu options will appear when right-clicking the ammo counter: "Remove Ammo Link" to break the link between the weapon and the ammo entry in the inventory, and "Recover Ammo" to untick all ticked ammo checkboxes and remove half (by default) the expended ammo from your inventory.

    This extension should be fully compatible with most extensions, unless another extension modifies the ammo section of the actions tab.


    - Hotfix to v1.0.1.5
    --Fixed not removing weapon entry after weapon removed from inventory.
    - Hotfix to v1.0.1.4
    --Fixed not hiding non-ranged link on clients' view.
    - Hotfix to v1.0.1.3
    --Fixed infinite loop for real this time.
    - Hotfix to v1.0.1.2
    --Fixed infinite loop when unticking ammo checkboxes.
    - Hotfix to v1.0.1.1
    --Fixed invalid processing when removing ammo not linked to any weapon from an inventory.
    - Updated to v1.0.1
    --Multiple weapons using the same ammo entry will have their ammo checkboxes linked.
    - Released v1.0.0
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by GEONE; November 1st, 2023 at 01:02. Reason: Hotfix to v1.0.1.5

  2. #2
    Very nice! Any plans to put it on github or gitlab?
    I'd love to extend it to all CoreRPG-based rulesets.
    EDIT: looks like it relies heavily on some stuff that aren't available in CoreRPG so it's not going to be as easy as I'd hoped!
    Last edited by bmos; September 20th, 2022 at 14:22.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Very nice! Any plans to put it on github or gitlab?
    I'd love to extend it to all CoreRPG-based rulesets.
    Sure, here you go:

    I might go through and add comments when I have time, but hopefully things are understood easily enough as-is.
    Last edited by GEONE; September 16th, 2022 at 13:38.

  4. #4
    The forge page should now be up.

  5. #5
    GunnarGreybeard's Avatar
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    Looking forward to trying this out.
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    Current Design Project: Developing a stand-alone "Hârnic 5e" setting for OSE and Fifth Edition . . .

  6. #6
    Nice job, thanks for sharing!
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  7. #7
    - Hotfix to v1.0.1.2
    Patched an urgent bug causing an infinite loop when manually unchecking ammo checkboxes that share an ammo link with another weapon. Forge build should hopefully be approved soon
    - Hotfix to v1.0.1.3
    Patched infinite loop for real this time (client issue)
    Last edited by GEONE; September 27th, 2022 at 05:12.

  8. #8
    Love it!
    slight improvement question?
    would it be possible to add the extra damage and or effects special arrows do?

  9. #9
    Very helpful addition. The view from the player's side is different than expected though and a little buggy. Non-ranged weapons have the ammo indicator and in some cases it overlaps with the other controls.

    Player view - player.jpg
    DM view - dm.jpg

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by anathemort View Post
    Very helpful addition. The view from the player's side is different than expected though and a little buggy. Non-ranged weapons have the ammo indicator and in some cases it overlaps with the other controls.

    Player view - player.jpg
    DM view - dm.jpg
    Thanks for the report! I've fixed the issue, but the forge version will take a while to get approved.

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