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  1. #1
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Fantasy Grounds Affiliate System - Earn commissions for referrals

    Hi there,

    We are super excited to announce the launch of our new affiliate program where you can earn rewards on every referred sale! So we'd greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about our product!

    We understand that these days “word of mouth” referrals is important for any business, so we’ve put together one of the most rewarding affiliate programs. This simply means that every time you refer a customer to us, we’ll pay you a percentage of every sale as a way to thank you.

    To get started, you can sign up today! Our affiliate program is a key part of our marketing strategy and it is so important that we prefer paying our hard working affiliates than to paying for advertising on the search engines and social networks. This strategy is really a win-win for all of us.

    When you sign up today for our affiliate program you can start earning additional income in a matter of minutes. We have included tools to help you spread the word via social media and email. Your friends and colleagues will thank you and so will we .

    Presently, the affiliate system will only allow referrals to the main website or to deep links you set up within the affiliate system. It uses cookies to track sales occurring within a set amount of time (currently 60 days from referral). You can create your own links, use any of the banners we provide in the affiliate system, or make your own. If you refer another affiliate or influencer and they sign up, then you get 1% of any sales referrals they generate for a period of time. Subscriptions don't currently count for credit, but standard purchases of one-time licenses and add-ons do. This does not include purchases of Gold for use on the FG Forge or for Forge purchases, which use Forge Gold.

    Again, to sign up, Click Here.

    Thanks and best regards,

    Doug Davison
    Last edited by ddavison; June 9th, 2022 at 15:20. Reason: Correction about the Forge gold purchases not getting credit.

  2. #2

    For those of us that do conversions will this affiliate payment affect our payment or does SW take this 5% from their cut?


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jharp View Post

    For those of us that do conversions will this affiliate payment affect our payment or does SW take this 5% from their cut?

    And if people buy our conversion via our link does it increase our take?

  4. #4
    ddavison's Avatar
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    The affiliate commission is not deducted from any commissions or royalties to developers and publishers. It is essentially an advertising cost we are paying from our end.

  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    I added this additional information to the Terms and Services

    Qualified Purchases

    OSI Affiliates software records purchases generated from affiliate links through various means. The full nature of how this works is undisclosed, but it relies upon cookies that are set when a referral link is followed. These are recorded on the referred customer's device and a checkout from the Company storefront communicates with OSI affiliates to credit the Affiliate. The Company only records purchases for the main Company store page and not for any third-party orders, purchases from Steam, purchases from the self-publishing Forge system, Subscriptions, or other purchases. Purchases may not be credited to the Affiliate if the referred customer completes the purchase from a different device, they block the OSI cookie, or if the integration with OSI Affiliates and the Company is somehow interrupted. The Company has performed tests of successful integration with OSI Affiliates, but the Company makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the affiliate referrals. Qualified Purchases will be reflected instantly upon completion within the Affiliate's dashboard.

    I see some referrals coming through, but I see others who have a lot of links and no referrals. If you have any questions let me know and I can try to help make sure you have it set up properly to get credit.

  6. #6
    Sorry if I ask the obvious, or if I ask it on the wrong forum, but I couldn't find any relevant info regarding Twitch. We are streaming our campaign using FG and from time to time we have different streaming about FG (mainly tutorials, new extensions and modules) We are about to share the affiliate link on the chat and the About section. Is it valid to do this, or does Twitch forbid it?

  7. #7
    ddavison's Avatar
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    It is okay with us. You should double check your agreement with Twitch, but I don’t think they have any problems with affiliate links. Most channels have affiliate links to Amazon on their channels for equipment they use in streaming.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by AnthonyEScroggins View Post
    We're fine with it. Although you should verify your contract with Twitch again, I don't believe they have any issues with affiliate links. For the equipment they use for streaming, the majority of channels have affiliate links to Amazon on their channels.
    Although Fantasy Grounds does have a problem with spamming, especially the owner's quote.

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