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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by scoot138 View Post
    Yep, post #81 is the code change needed to get the dice rolling and not error. BUT, it also has some work to be done to get it to align with the character sheet when you are using other extensions, such as character sheet tweaks. I was able to hack damned's code enough to get it to work in my campaign. The new way of adding things to the char sheet definitely caused some breakage with some of the other ext that I was using, so my get it work fix is truly a hack job
    I would love it if you shared your hacks to get it working. I am running a 5e Eberron campaign, and the players are now hooked on hero points

  2. #92
    I'm still having the visual issue with running this in Pf1 that was posted on the previous page of the thread. The header of the character sheet smushes the hero points, name, portrait and token together.
    It buries the portrait, which makes it difficult to change it.
    Screenshot 2022-09-06 160907.jpg

  3. #93

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Birthplace of Blackmoor
    I have no issue with sharing what I have done to get it to work in 5E, @damned are you ok with me posting the ext I have my hacks applied here. I don't want to assume, as it is your core work.


  4. #94

  5. #95

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Birthplace of Blackmoor
    Thanks damned!

    Here you go Taralas
    Attached Files Attached Files

  6. #96
    Thank you! For a moment, I am getting a few errors, but not certain if this is related to other extensions I have running:

    [9/7/2022 4:26:40 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "nametitle"]:7: attempt to index field 'herodice' (a nil value)
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] s'nodeWin: '
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] databasenode = { charsheet.id-00005 }
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] s'rActor: '
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] { s'sType' = s'charsheet', s'sCreatureNode' = s'charsheet.id-00005', s'sCTNode' = s'combattracker.list.id-00008', s'sName' = s'Reksit' }
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] s'sHeroDiceType: '
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] s'd6'
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] s'sHeroName: '
    [9/7/2022 4:26:45 PM] s'Hero Point'
    However, it does track the dice, rolls the correct dice type, and is still working with a number of other extensions installed.

  7. #97
    Hero points looks fine one my end for PF1e. You sure it's not another extension that messed it up and you've updated?

  8. #98
    Well, just created a new campaign, with only that extension loaded. Used the character wizard to create a Human Fighter, and named him TestTom. Still generates an error. But this time it seems to be tied to the Hero Name:

    [9/7/2022 4:55:29 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
    [9/7/2022 4:55:29 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
    [Server Type - CLOUD - PUBLIC]
    [9/7/2022 4:55:34 PM] MEASURE: RULESETS LOAD - 4.9615029 - 5E
    [9/7/2022 4:55:34 PM] MEASURE: EXTENSIONS LOAD - 0 - 0
    [9/7/2022 4:55:42 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LIST BUILD - 7.2765003 - 334
    [9/7/2022 4:55:43 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH IMAGE ASSETS - 1.1134983
    [9/7/2022 4:55:43 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH PORTRAIT ASSETS - 0.009001
    [9/7/2022 4:55:43 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH TOKEN ASSETS - 0.6735006
    [9/7/2022 4:55:43 PM] MEASURE: ASSET LIST BUILD - 1.7959999
    [9/7/2022 4:55:45 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 15.5290032
    [9/7/2022 4:55:45 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.2519986 - 5E Automatic Effects Player's Handbook
    [9/7/2022 4:55:46 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.7914994 - D&D Player's Handbook
    [9/7/2022 4:55:47 PM] RULESET: Dungeons and Dragons (5E) ruleset (2022-09-06) for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2022 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [9/7/2022 4:55:47 PM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset (2022-09-06) for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2022 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [9/7/2022 4:55:47 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 2.1559995
    [9/7/2022 4:56:42 PM] Destroying match
    [9/7/2022 4:56:42 PM] Tabletop scene exiting.
    [9/7/2022 4:56:42 PM] Launcher scene starting.
    [9/7/2022 4:56:55 PM] Starting cloud server mode. [Taralas]
    [9/7/2022 4:57:03 PM] Game server started. []
    [9/7/2022 4:57:03 PM] Launcher scene exiting.
    [9/7/2022 4:57:03 PM] Match successfully created on lobby.
    [9/7/2022 4:57:03 PM] Tabletop scene starting.
    [9/7/2022 4:57:03 PM] NETWORK STATUS: [Server] [Connected]
    [Server Type - CLOUD - PUBLIC]
    [9/7/2022 4:57:08 PM] MEASURE: RULESETS LOAD - 4.9209996 - 5E
    [9/7/2022 4:57:08 PM] MEASURE: EXTENSIONS LOAD - 0.0015004 - 1
    [9/7/2022 4:57:15 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LIST BUILD - 7.0060004 - 334
    [9/7/2022 4:57:16 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH IMAGE ASSETS - 1.0800011
    [9/7/2022 4:57:16 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH PORTRAIT ASSETS - 0.0090001
    [9/7/2022 4:57:17 PM] MEASURE: REFRESH TOKEN ASSETS - 0.6940028
    [9/7/2022 4:57:17 PM] MEASURE: ASSET LIST BUILD - 1.783004
    [9/7/2022 4:57:18 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 1 - 15.115502
    [9/7/2022 4:57:19 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.2570002 - 5E Automatic Effects Player's Handbook
    [9/7/2022 4:57:20 PM] MEASURE: MODULE LOAD - 0.7985012 - D&D Player's Handbook
    [9/7/2022 4:57:21 PM] RULESET: Dungeons and Dragons (5E) ruleset (2022-09-06) for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2022 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [9/7/2022 4:57:21 PM] RULESET: Core RPG ruleset (2022-09-06) for Fantasy Grounds
    Copyright 2022 Smiteworks USA, LLC
    [9/7/2022 4:57:21 PM] EXTENSION: Hero Points for 5e Extension v0.1\rCreated by DIE Hard Gaming\r\nMore great resources at \r\(LINK)
    [9/7/2022 4:57:21 PM] MEASURE: LOAD - PART 2 - 2.2448768
    [9/7/2022 4:57:39 PM] s'nodeWin: '
    [9/7/2022 4:57:39 PM] databasenode = { charsheet.id-00003 }
    [9/7/2022 4:57:39 PM] s'rActor: '
    [9/7/2022 4:57:39 PM] { s'sType' = s'charsheet', s'sCreatureNode' = s'charsheet.id-00003', s'sCTNode' = s'combattracker.list.id-00001', s'sName' = s'TestTom' }
    [9/7/2022 4:57:39 PM] s'sHeroDiceType: '
    [9/7/2022 4:57:39 PM] s'd6'
    [9/7/2022 4:57:39 PM] [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "hero"]:16: attempt to index a nil value
    It also seems to be generating an odd graphic glitch. The name is duplicated in a second box, for some reason:

    If I go back to the original campaign, it seems to work with following error displayed once on opening a character sheet.
    [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "nametitle"]:7: attempt to index field 'herodice' (a nil value)
    Last edited by Taralas; September 7th, 2022 at 23:11. Reason: Additional information

  9. #99
    ah sorry, just realized it was @ScribblingRambler that said it was broken for PF1e so I should've replied to them haha

  10. #100

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Birthplace of Blackmoor
    Thats where I had to hack the placement of the overlay on the character sheet. IIRC post #81 listed the change to get them to work. My additional hacks were to make them fit my campaign char sheets

    Here is the version with only the code change listed in post #81
    Attached Files Attached Files

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