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  1. #1

    Issues with specific map - Is the map broken, or did we do something wrong

    Module - Marble Sanctum
    MAP - marble_sanctum_level1_battlemap


    Dropping a token onto the map creates an invisible square around that token that acts like a LOS wall. This "wall" is not visible in the LOS mode, but never the less it is there and prevents movement and LOS.
    Additionally, dropping a second token on the map... REDEFINES this invisible LOS to encompass both tokens in an invisible LOS box.

    I have created a short video to illustrate what is happening.

    The room is empty.
    Token is dropped onto the map, and when selected has LOS as though it is enclosed in a 5 foot square immediately surrounding it.
    Trying to move the token normally confirms it is surrounded by a wall.
    When we check the LOS mode, there is NO wall surrounding it.
    Shift moving the token allows it to bypass the invisible LOS wall as one would expect.
    Adding a second token... REDEFINES this invisible LOS square to encompass both tokens.

    In all cases checking LOS controls does not show any new LOS drawn on the map.

    This only happens on this specific map, and is not something we have ever come across before.

    Our question is... is this an issue with the map itself, or is there a setting we have missed? We have been using FGU for 2 years and this is the first time we have seen this happen.
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    Last edited by sanguisaevum; August 12th, 2022 at 13:21.

  2. #2
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Do you have any extensions loaded? If so, can you try it again without those loaded?

    It's kind of hard to see exactly what is going on in the video, but you can also toggle to the LOS tab in the image control to reveal what the LOS is for that area. You can also try toggling Line of Sight, Lighting, and Player Preview to see how things look with it on and off. Also, are there any effects on the characters in the combat tracker?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post
    Do you have any extensions loaded? If so, can you try it again without those loaded?

    It's kind of hard to see exactly what is going on in the video, but you can also toggle to the LOS tab in the image control to reveal what the LOS is for that area. You can also try toggling Line of Sight, Lighting, and Player Preview to see how things look with it on and off. Also, are there any effects on the characters in the combat tracker?
    No Extensions

    What is happening is outlined exactly in the OP.

    This issue is not there when LOS is off.

    No effects

    Lighting has no effect on the issue.

    LOS for that area is a room, with nothing in it.

    It appears to be entirely related to LOS... and specifically that placing a token on the map seems to generate a LOS box around it for some reason

    As I said, what seems to be happening, (on this map ALONE) is that when a token is dropped onto the map, the engine draws a LOS wall box around the 5ft square the token was placed on.
    This "invisible LOS wall" acts exactly as though I had drawn a LOS wall around the token, except it is NOT visible as a LOS wall or square when viewing LOS for that area.
    Further more, if a second token is dropped on the map, the "invisible LOS wall" is changed and extended to cover the area between both tokens.
    Last edited by sanguisaevum; August 12th, 2022 at 15:15.

  4. #4
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Can you upload a pic of it with a token on the map and the LOS revealed? The same for when you add the 2nd token.

    Another thing to try is to create a new image and drag the same image from your Assets onto the new image. See if the same behavior exists on that new image/map.

    It is this product here?
    Last edited by ddavison; August 12th, 2022 at 15:59.

  5. #5
    ddavison's Avatar
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    I just tested that map and the same room using the Starfinder ruleset and I wasn't able to recreate the issue.

    Attachment 53949

    I tried it by loading the module and accessing the image from the Modules screen. I also tried opening it from the Assets window into a new image.

  6. #6
    Hi, yes that is the module.

    Interesting, thankyou for the testing,

    If you whish I could invite you to the discord where you can see a live demo of the issue.

  7. #7
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanguisaevum View Post
    Hi, yes that is the module.

    Interesting, thankyou for the testing,

    If you whish I could invite you to the discord where you can see a live demo of the issue.
    Sure. I just hopped into the Fantasy Grounds Discord channel. I'm ddavison_smiteworks

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by ddavison View Post

    Another thing to try is to create a new image and drag the same image from your Assets onto the new image. See if the same behaviour exists on that new image/map.

    FYI this resolved the issue. My friend must have done "something" to the map when first playing with it and setting things up. Although what that "something" was... we have no idea!

  9. #9
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Good deal. Let us know if you end up seeing this again and if you can think about what might have caused it.

  10. #10

    I just wanted to chime in to say I am experience the exact same problem with the DoMM module battlemap level 1. Recreating it from assets fixed the problem and the Battlemap of level 2 from the same module works fine.


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